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while I'm silently munching ...

mirage - over - turning
pet peeves Monday 007 & misc list 010
I know I will run out of places that I could cover for this segment eventually that I would have to revert back to some of them back but until then, here's another one that I think you can relate to, or at least see it from my own personal point of view:
#022: mirage
Well, that title might not be representing the actual idea for this particular entry but it has that broad concept of we are seeing something that isn't there, and I try to hamfistedly apply that into me seeing some dishes in a certain way but then find out that anticipated taste is just not there. Basically, I might be seeing a certain new dish that I do not know exactly what it tastes like and then I begin to wonder wildly what it would be ... but when it doesn't live up to my expectation through no fault of the dish itself but rather my own uneducated deduction skills, I am left with a plate full of dish that I have to finish since I take too much in the first place. Another pet peeve caused by myself rather than others ... that's rare here, right? Right ...?

#023: burnt out
Ah, the old "nasi sudah menjadi bubur" adage or saying rather (rice has already turned to porridge), but this is going the opposite way of the cooking spectrum whereby the cooking gets left on the fire for too long that it would get charred and burned. Again, another pet peeve caused by my own stupidity or rather my inclination to ... what's the word for lounging around or stay in? Anyway, whenever I try to cook rice or reheat some soup, that wait for it to boil over seems long enough for me to go back to my laptop and browse around. That's just it though, sometimes when you get into that comfort zone and begin to zone out and blocking out everything else, your mind would forget about that food you left on the stove ... when I do come to my senses, I rush to the kitchen in futile and scolding myself for forgetting that important task, resulting in a ruined dish that is now a waste to throw away. Please let be the other one not my fault ... please, please, please!

#024: going round, round
Yes, this is not my fault! In our household, if there's nothing wrong with a certain electric product, we will keep on using it for years until it finally breaks down but while the old rice cooker do not actually break down on us during its years of service, my mother wanted to change for a new one but that's when thing begin to turn sour, or rather bad. It's a never a problem to leave it on for hours on end from the morning until at night but now this new appliance forces us to turn it off as much as possible because when it is left in idle for 'too long', the rice would inexplicably turn bad just like that, leaving us with a pot full of inedible food that we have to throw away yet again as a regretful food waste. It is just a trigger of instant rage and disappointment when you have been famished for awhile, getting the plate ready to fill it full with rice and then finding out that every grain have turn bad, leaving you with the task of finding something else to fill your stomach, or cook some rice myself. Better not be browsing at the same time then ...

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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