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"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the doughnut."

#03 Iron Man 2
10 Year Anniversary & Infinity War Countdown
! F O U R  D A Y S  L E F T  !
[May 07th 2010, PG-13, 2hr 4min, Director: Jon Favreau, Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi]
Knowing full well that their gamble paid off, Marvel doubled down with a follow up straight away with a proven formula of the same charismatic lead and capable director, although it suffered heavily from the sequel fever of trying to make the same thing but bigger and supposedly better. With Tony Stark being the face of his leading technology of military-grade body armour and the sought-after arc reactor, he had to fight on two fronts in direct rival of Justin Hammer and his Hammer Industries and a ghost of his father's past, xyz, letting his skyrocketing arrogance getting the best of him and letting himself being spread too thin and finally broke down under the pressure of imminent death. Having a friend in Lieutenant James Rhodes to knock some sense into him certainly helped and the visit by the head of SHIELD himself clear things up of the founder, Howard Stark and his plan for his son. Again the theme of brain over power is used here as he uses it to create a new element that would save his life from the Palladium poisoning while the same can be said with the doomed partnership of Justin and Ivan with the latter backstabbing the former for his own benefits of good old revenge. Looking back, you know they are slowly trying to expand the universe bit by bit by planting seeds for the future in Natalie Rushman and of course Nick Fury. Let's not forget the ever sassy Agent Coulson! It was natural for the second iteration to be about arms race but you have to admit it that bigger isn't always better, and repeating some same story beats do not look good in repeat viewings. Nevertheless, they might have bit more than what they could chew in the end but you couldn't fault them for trying, giving it their all and do not regret anything. Well, maybe retrospectively ...
 - IMDb wiki -
P.S. The CGI still holds up even after almost a decade pass and the post credit scene was quite vague in foreshadowing of what's to come!

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