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My audio companions ...

guilty pleasures Tuesday 002b & misc list 021
Go here for the first entry of podcast for this segment. !
Here is my second batch of recommendation for podcasts that I keep on going back to at least weekly:

+ A full blown comedy audio comedy show, self-proclaimed professionally made. ? He would mostly have guests come in and just do a bunch of skits and improvise so of course some stands out more than others! - He has a certain way of running the show so if the tone does not suit you, you best look somewhere else. Oh, his podcast is delightfully long which is good for me but maybe not for you ...

+ What a rambunctious review/discussion between the main cast on some of the worst or at least inexplicable films from the yesteryears mostly in front of like-minded audiences. ? They go all across the spectrum and cover different genres from across the time so they are more than likely cover something that you might not be familiar with. - Since they cover a lot of obscure, infamous movies, you are forced to spend the time to watch them to fully appreciate the podcast ... I never do though but I still love hearing them being shocked of everything! 

#06: RISK!
+ Personal journeys from all walks of life that could be entertaining and heartbreaking as well. ? They do not have any restriction of the topics covered on the show so listen in with your own discretion! - Sensitive issues and life experience that definitely would rub a select few the wrong way. Oh, be warned of the host. He's aware of himself.

+ In-depth and informed discussions and reviews of the most current games and paraphernalias by those who are active in the gaming industry. ? Since the medium is so vast and diverse, they might not cover some things you are interested in until a few weeks later. - No timestamp for me personally since I would want to skip to topics that I'm interested in, when they discuss too in depth console only games for example. 

+ Educated and informed discussions between the experts in the field of questions by the querying masses, giving explanations of every thing happening in the universe backed up by facts and science. ? They have topics that they would go in-depth in every episode that you might find one you are particularly intrigued in! - The conspiracy theorists need not apply. Just don't come here.

#09: Criminal
+ Short, concise recap of criminal stories that happened before, professionally cut with a soothing voiceover. ? Catering to those on the go who would want a shorter audio companion than the usual hour length. - I wish it could've always been longer every time since I'm used to longer ones. That's how good it is!

+ Proper in-depth recap and review of HBO's Game of Thrones between two hosts in the know. ? It's a nice contrast between them with one have watched the show from the start while the other have the addition of book-knowledge that die-hard fans would be up and arms about! - Their personal opinions would differ from yours. That's human. 

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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