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Infinity War Madness!

Prediction 001 & Movie Preview 011
Avengers: Infinity War
[April 25th, 2018]

Trailer Effectiveness = 
above 90% in teasing us of what's to come while not telling us anything at all.

I still haven't gotten around to cover the second trailer that was out weeks ago so here's my way to make up for it for now. This should be enough as a inferior replacement, right?

Correct Guesses Probabilities above 70% since I watched every Marvel film and get educated how everyone and everything is connected.
Infinity War's storyline appear to be as clean cut as it is presented throughout the two trailers but there are ambiguous enough that you could not see clearly the details such as the ones below:

P.S. These are my pure speculations but with educated guesses, so thread with care.

#1. Which hero will die?

Dying is such a taboo subject in the MCU but they started to pull the trigger in the recent films to ensure that there would be real repercussion if something went wrong for the heroes i.e. Quicksilver and Killmonger, giving the Universe much more weight rather than just a harmless adventure. Now the biggest threat is coming to wipe out half of the existence on Earth, who would bite the dust trying in futile to stop the Mad Titan?

High Probabilities
Since this movie is ten years in the making, there are major players that have quite an arc and having been evolved as characters from their very first movie until this third ensemble movie, Civil War notwithstanding. Those two possible candidates are Tony Stark / Iron Man and Steve Rogers / Captain America, sacrificing themselves to stop or at least hold down Thanos! Based on the trailer, the latter appear much more closer to the death's door and the passing of one over another would trigger the surviving Avenger to do something drastic to undo all of this. Eye of Agamotto, anyone?
Middling Probabilities
Now playing with the storyline, his 'children' in Gamora and Nebula could play a part in humanising him as well as being killed off just for Thanos to remove any excess baggage that could tie him down, especially the former since she was highlighted in that flashback scene of her being 'adopted' (with her whole species being wiped out by his army ... did Nebula suffered the same fate?). Another possible obstacle that Thanos needs to cut down to fill up his Infinity Gauntlet is Vision with his Mind Stone that keeps him alive. We still do not know if the manufactured being would cease to be without the Stone attach to his forehead and he certainly looks worse for wear in the second trailer after being confronted in London. Is he slowly losing his life essence so to speak?
Low Probabilities
Just like how Agent Coulson died for the Avengers to avenge (if you haven't seen Agents of SHIELD, you are in for a surprise), there are possibilities of some of the side characters being thrown to the wolves of the Black Order. A few unfortunate souls could be the War Machine (this is speculation ... would he wear the same Bleeding Edge technology or just left with the old suit?) and yes, Hawkeye ... it is said his role is a secret for a reason, so would he return as Ronin in 4? Just like Captain America is now Nomad and Bucky Barnes could be Black Panther's White Wolf, they're evolving them by following closely to the comics.
#2. Will Thanos be defeated?

No. This is his full debut movie, so to speak, so having the Infinity Stones all together is such a humongous occasion that the repercussion would not be contained in only one movie. There is a reason we still do not know the title of the fourth Avengers film: it is spoilerish for a reason!

High Probabilities
I don't think he will get injured at all. Did you notice he's not wearing the armour anymore? He knows he is invincible! Or at least have the mindset that is he is strong enough without any of that pesky protection.
Middling Probabilities
Someone on the Avengers roster actually cause a surprising damage on Thanos that he does not see it coming or the repercussion of his action (killing a fellow hero for example). That would induce his rage!
Low Probabilities
This is really out of left field, him being beaten down when he's not holding onto the Gauntlet. Nope, not going to happen!
#3. Will Hawkeye be more than just a cameo?

Hm ... this is a first to have such a mystery surrounding a fellow Avenger not being shown at all in the trailers or the marketing materials ... The directors said it is kept secret for a reason so I have high hopes for his role for the upcoming fourth ensemble film, maybe not so much for this one.

High Probabilities
He could show up at the end of the third act or maybe the final post credit scene. Just showing his face (or not) in his Ronin alter ego!
Middling Probabilities
He could show up a bit earlier, when things are overwhelming for some of the Avengers members and he comes to the rescue without being involved in the fight itself whether with Thanos or the Black Order crew.
Low Probabilities
He could show up as a hidden Trump card that would come to the rescue and turn the tide against the invading force and let them fall back into safety.
#4. How many Infinity Stones will Thanos have?

Okay let's break it down:
Time Stone = Doctor Strange's Eye of Agamotto,
Reality Stone @ Aether = after Thor: the Dark World, the Collector,
Power Stone = after GotG, Nova Corps,
Mind Stone = the Vision's forehead,
Space Stone @ Tesseract = inside Loki's cape,
Soul Stone = ?

High Probabilities
There is high chance of him getting his way by the end of the movie with the help of his disciples, the Black Order, or by his actions alone. That finger snaps could actually comes true, ending the movie with a sudden 'fade' to black!
Middling Probabilities
Is there possibility of him not getting the still unseen Soul Stone? There is high chance of it being in Wakanda as that scenes of T'Challa meeting his ancestors could allude to and the massive fights on the plains as seen on the trailer ... does the King actually know its location or will it still not being revealed when the credits roll? I can't actually see this happening ...
Low Probabilities
Will the Avengers sacrifice themselves to not let the Stones get into the wrong hands? With only two Stones, Time and Mind, are in their possession ready to be protected by Earth's Mightiest Heroes, they will die trying to not let Thanos get his hands or rather Gauntlet on them.
#5. Will there be a new Captain America?

Captain America is now more than just a costume and a shield. It's an ideal that Steve Rogers is still fighting for even at the end of Civil War. Now possibly going with the moniker 'Nomad', who would be carrying on his mantle when the originator could not be a full fledged patriot anymore or G** forbid falls on the sword, if that tense scene of him holding onto Thanos' Gauntlet is to be believed ...

High Probabilities
I believe that this sudden attack catches everyone by surprise and Tony Stark still having ties with the government with that Sokovia Accords would not let anyone carry that name if he can do anything about it (not that he's still having grudges, he is just honoring his memories). There won't be one, yet!
Middling Probabilities
That signature Vibranium shield would come in handy in this fight against this alien invasion as Tony just keeps it around in case he'll see Steve again. He won't admit it though.
Low Probabilities
The comic history gives us a clear trajectory that they could go with, with the Winter Soldier and Falcon as the top two candidates for now. While the former has just come out of forced hibernation sans the Hydra mind control, he is just getting back on his feet based on the trailer while the latter has been solid is his sporadic appearances throughout the MCU but his character doesn't have a solid arc to justify his transformation into the next Captain America. Maybe that would happen in Infinity War!
#6. Will the Avengers reteam?

That iconic steady cam rotation shot of the whole heroes in the first Avengers film is still the best one in capturing the comic book feel by bringing to life a typical comic book spread. While there were other iterations in Age of Ultron and in Civil War, none comes close to that but the shot of them running to confront the Outriders is as close as we can ever come to be, at least in this iteration. 

High Probabilities
With Thanos and his Black Order using the shock and awe strategy by catching the Avengers by surprise, they could never find the time to regroup as they have to fight against the threats on multiple fronts, smartly forcing them to split their forces to defend Earth. And they would pay with their lives for that mistake!
Middling Probabilities
They would not have their paths cross each other as Black Panther would be helped by Black Widow, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner in Hulkbuster (and then later Hulk himself), War Machine and Bucky Barnes (they would be joined later by Scarlet Witch and Vision) in Wakanda while Iron Man will lead Spider-Man with the help of Doctor Strange and Wong (they would be joined also by Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy crew) in New York.
Low Probabilities
They actually do cross path with each other and team up for the last time against an insurmountable odds, giving it a last gasp effort to stop Thanos from eventually snapping his fingers. Yeah ...
#7. Wild Card

There are so many speculations out there ...

High Probabilities
Not knowing the real title of Avengers Four actually would be the most feasible considering how far they'll go to keep Hawkeye (or Ronin) from the public. Infinity War would leave us guessing!
Middling Probabilities
Having the first public on-location shoot of Carol Danvers outside of the real principal photography of her own solo film made us wonder that's for introducing us for the first time officially Brie Larson's Captain Marvel in the last post-credit scenes. Or it is just a red herring. I wouldn't put it past the studio!
Even though it was triggered by Scarlet Witch's power, that dream sequence for Tony Stark would not be far from the truth considering how much damage Thanos already inflicts in the trailers. Even the floating platforms looks familiar although with a blue filter on top of it rather than orange ...
Low Probabilities
Hela, the Goddess of Death is not the physical embodiment of Death like in the comics that Thanos is pining for but since we do not actually see her takes her last breath in Ragnarok (only from afar although being pummeled by Surtur would still hurt pretty bad), she could come back if the Mad Titan wants to.
Since the Disney-Fox merger is still not finalised when this movie comes out, I do not think they are allow to use any of the X-Men and Fantastic Four characters yet although there is possibility of them having made deals that would allow them to do so despite not fully owning them yet.
Okay, here's one of my own: since the following film in the schedule for Marvel is Ant-Man and the Wasp (they are not even here ... confirmed for Four though!), I believe that they would show the Quantum Realm even with just a glimpse, teasing us of what to look for for the first ever Marvel duo team-up (Ragnarok does not count, this is on the title!).
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