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As the day turns to night ...

puncture - overabundant - fresh
pet peeves Monday 010 & misc list 019
As the writing started to kick in again, I noticed how I prefer my surrounding to be when I am using the laptop. So here's some of my pet peeves:
#031: mini natural vampires
As the clock starts to turn to seven o'clock in the evening, I will try to close the door and windows as soon as possible since those pesky pests would come in without fail and would start puncturing me for my blood when I do not pay attention. I have been familiarized with the smell of the burned Fumakilla coil as I also without fail use one for every night because of how effective it is in killing the mosquitoes. Yes, I know this is how their find nutrients to survive but can you blame me for trying to keep myself from having any more bites on my body? 

#032: no standard whatsoever
I am not particularly angry or peeved but just annoyed since I always position myself in the living room right in front of the television, every time my father comes home, he would hog the Astro (or DVR in international term) and watched anything that he wants after he eat dinner until he is sleepy. Since he watches anything that would strike his fancy (and that category is virtually limitless), they are more than most just mindless fun properties in my more educated  eyes and I just couldn't help myself in watching every second of it since it's in my immediate line of sight.

#033: open door policy
Again, I am not pissed in this particular point, I'm just slightly annoyed. When my parents eat dinner, they would always open the back door to let the cool night air in and as much as I love breezy winds, the risk of letting more mosquitoes in would always trump that for me!

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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