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♪ I lie, I cheat, I steal.♫♬

Custom POPs 349 [Custom] <sketch> Eduardo Gory Guerrero Llanes @ Eddie Guerrero
[WWF->WWE] {October 09th, 1967 - November 13th, 2005}
Being a part of my childhood as I enjoy watching the Attitude Era then, it was heartbreaking to learn of his passing and the circumstances behind his death. Thankfully WWE is taking care of their wrestlers exponentially better now and I hope we won't lose talents this way anymore.
Regarding the concept of the POP, I know the ride is as important to his entrance and part of his character hence I include a convertible Chevrolet and his body is also important to me to be properly adapted since he has such a unique physique when he began to bulk up artificially (that's not confirmed but I deduced it from basic knowledge of the industry). The face is the window to the POP soul in my perspective which is why I tried my best to include facial features that unique to him and of course the facial hair and the hairstyle. He looks decent, right?
Thank you for your time and please do come back for more. Assalamualaikum and good bye! :-)

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