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Last Week in Pop Culture 004, 2nd Week of October 2018
1. Aladdin's first official poster and teaser [May 24th, 2019]

"... a diamond in the rough ..."
Finally we have a first look of the live action adaptation of the 1992 Disney's animated classic by Guy Ritchie with the poster highlighting the infamous lamp and the teaser highlighting the titled protagonist that is going to discover it. The teaser does its job in teasing us of its location and premise and I hope the vocal few that wants to see Will Smith filling in the shoes of the late Robbie Williams will understand that concept. Why would they reveal all this early, especially the genie that is going to make or break this film? It is still over seven months away! They will give us a full reveal eventually, you know maybe closer to its release date, probably after Mary Poppins Returns in order not to overshadow their other products. The teaser looks great but I still waiting to see how Guy Ritchie's signature style is going to apply to one of Disney's family friendly feature ...
2. Banksy's auction stunt
"The urge to destroy is also a creative urge." ~ Picasso
Here is my one per list for the culture, which I promise will be much more (culture) in future editions. If you've haven't seen the video or the image, he did a mural of the Girl with Balloon years ago and then made one on a canvas and framed it. Year after year it increased in value until in Sotheby's Auction it was sold for $ 1.04 million ... what happened right after that was the canvas can be seen moved down past the frame was cut into dozens of parts by a paper shredder installed in it by the artist himself with he revealed in his Instagram post. Always putting social commentary at the forefront, it is certainly on brand with his previous works and installments to do just that to highlight the absurdity of today's high art culture (supposedly, this is my opinion alone). Instead of the piece decrease in value after being put through the shredder, the society around it will view it as an effective commentary on the medium itself and increase its value in their eyes even more. I think he knew this would happen in the aftermath but proceed with his plan anyway.
3. Leaked first look of Ruby Rose as Batwoman for the upcoming CW Flarrowverse crossover
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ~ Oscar Wilde

It is unfortunate that it leaked before it can be officially revealed by CW themselves but I appreciate being able to see Ruby Rose in the suit of Batwoman with the cape and the red hair. She looks the part and the suit itself has been adapted really well considering how the costume department tend to stick with a particular garment for a number of heroes and villains in this shared universe. They move away from leather-bound world of Flash and Arrow or Supergirl who have their own 'signature' materials that they use over and over. While this is a bit similar to Reign's costume for example, they have their own different sets of patterns and dimensions on them from the breastplate, the wrist guard and of course the Bat emblem. If she is spinning off into her own show down the line, it would make sense to have all the Bat heroes have their own particular looks, whether having the same maker in Lucius Fox or just having access to the same technology. I wish the cape's print and texture will be improved moving forward and maybe add a few protective armours or paddings as extra protection in hand to hand or against fireams.
4. Bloodshot's first (drawn) look of Vin Diesel as the titular character [February 21st, 2020]
In the form of a special comic book cover being released to raise money for Paul Walker's charity Reach Out Worldwide, we are seeing how the gravel-voiced action specialist (isn't he though?) would look like as the super soldier. "The art for this unique collectable was originally commissioned by former Valiant CEO & Chief Creative Officer Dinesh Shamdasani at the request of Bloodshot director Dave Wilson". Dave will make his directorial debut here after making high profile trailers for a number of huge studio properties.
5. Fallout 76's full map [October 23rd]
Bethesda is finally venturing into the online multiplayer subgenre with its most viable property to do so. Critics can be heard on this particular approach by the studio from the fans that just want to be able to play co-op rather than online for example and worry of having the original solitary experience going through the post apocalyptic wasteland. What do you guys think? Would you be interested to play Fallout online or just keep playing the existing campaigns, maybe wait a couple of years for a new singleplayer only entry? Go and watch some of the gameplay videos.
6. Dwayne Johnson is John Henry and the Statesmen for Netflix
"Every mornin’ at the mine, you could see him arrive. 
He stood 6 foot 6 and weighed 245.
Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip. 
And everybody knew you didn’t give no lip to Big John. 

Big John. Big Bad John."

He is casted to portray the African American folk hero, teaming up again with Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle director Jake Kasdan to tell the story of "John Henry, a 'steel-driving man' tasked with hammering a steel drill into rock as part of construction for a tunnel. As the legend goes, John Henry raced against a steam-powered rock drilling machine and actually won, only to die in victory as his heart gave out from stress." The reason I'm highlighting another project with the tireless Johnson is because of the little controversy around it, with his lighter complexion being under scrutiny since John Henry is typically portrayed as a dark skinned black man in the tale. The actor is mixed; his father is a Black Canadian while his mother is Samoan. In his original tweets that are not deleted (which you can see being quoted in the article above), he wants to look beyond just skin complexion and to lead Netflix's attempt to have "an ensemble of the most popular folklore figures and legends from different cultures around the world." He have personal ties to the tale but I can see the criticism of the African American community to have full black actor to represent their folk hero 'properly'. Where do you fall on this particular argument?
7. Power Rangers Legacy Wars: Street Fighter Showdown short
"Nice suit."
I just want to highlight how far Bat in the Sun has gone, now working big studios to promote their wares.

"This is a crossover short film between the Power Rangers franchise and the Street Fighter franchise, produced by Bat In The Sun, in partnership with Lionsgate, Allspark Pictures, nWay and Capcom.

The skilled Ryu Ranger is a new character created by nWay in partnership with Capcom and the Power Rangers creative team. He was first introduced to the hit mobile fighting game Power Rangers: Legacy Wars at San Diego Comic-Con as part of the Street Fighter cross-over event."
8. Sequels roundup: Black Panther 2, Suicide Squad 2 and World War Z sequel
I am glad Ryan Coogler is taking their time before finalising the deal of returning to write and direct again since I don't them to rush the project to the detriment of the sequel. It might come as soon as after Spider-Man: Far from Home but that's all purely speculation since the director is in the middle of Wrong Answer with Michael B. Jordan.

A man's trash is another man's treasure, to put it crudely. Warner Bros. have officially confirmed that James Gunn will be up to write for the Suicide Squad sequel "with a brand new take" but there is no words on him directing it himself. I am just happy he is able to bounce back after being laid off just like that. In both studios' eyes, his writing is still viewed as valuable with his script is still possibly being used for Volume Three. This at least will make this project that much more exciting with his involvement.

I am not particularly invested in this film but since I know it makes over 500 millions worldwide, there is an audience for it and having both Bradd Pitt and David Fincher returning, there is no reason for this to not materialise.
9. the Christmas Chronicles [November 22nd] (Netflix)
Kurt Russell is Santa Claus! Enough said.
10. the Witcher's full main cast is officially revealed {eight episodes} [2019/2020] (Netflix)
"Okay, you got us: The enigmatic sorceress Yennefer will be played by Anya Chalotra. Then there's Ciri. From the court at Cintra: Queen Calanthe is Jodhi May. Fledgling sorceress Fringilla is played by Mimi Ndiweni." It is safe to say the casting will not be to the original book and subsequent games fans' liking, to it being heavily populated with British actors and actresses with no Polish talent for the main cast at all to Yennifer being played by a young actress with soft features compared to the more mature and fierce representation in the game. Let me emphasize that this will be based on the book itself and just like how the games take some liberty in adapting the lore and characters, rest assured that this live action series will be the same as well. They are approaching this project in a certain way and until we see official images or trailers, I will wait for them to get it going first and will keep you posted on its progress. "In addition, Netflix rounded out the cast with more key names. Princess Renfri, an outcast, will be played by Millie Brady, while Sabrina is Therica Wilson-Read. Adam Levy (not the Maroon 5 guy) plays Mousesack, while Björn Hlynur Haraldsson plays Queen Calanthe's husband Eist. Finally, Tissaia is played by MyAnna Buring." Oh, my wish for more established box office stars to come in after Henry Cavill was me being hopelessly optimistic. Having just one big name to anchor the series to is a smart move looking back at it.
11. 125 years old Sears is filing for bankruptcy & Toys 'R' Us is now Geoffrey's Toy Box

When you don't run your company effectively by keeping up with the times or paying interests that you cannot afford, you will end up on the wrong side of history especially with 125 years old Sears. Toy 'R' Us on the hand is trying to bounce back by rebranding as Geoffrey's Toy Box and eyeing November return.

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