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armless deosn't mean it is worthless

Wardrobe Wednesday 027
< Aqua Blues >
I want to do something different than the usual past entries into this segment. Rather than just on a specific item, why don't I touch upon a whole sub-category of clothes, right?

As I've mentioned before, I was never adventurous in my clothing in my past and only just recently began to venture out of my comfort zone. One of the items that got swept up in my frenzy to update my wardrobe collection is this vest. I never thought I would even be inclined to wear it but now here I am wearing it whenever I could as soon as I woke up. It is a great alternative to sweaters that have been my go-to companion to keep me warm.

Nights has always been hard for me since I can't stand cold much and will need sweaters to store the heat around my upper body but when I still need that heat around my torso but might want a little more free range of motions for my hands without any restriction of the sweater's sleeves, now I have the perfect alternative to cater just for that need. It is easier to put on and even have hand pockets! The materials is just like the inside of a thick sweater which makes me feel comfortable when I need to. I can see the appeal in wearing this but will not be wearing it out in the public just yet. Until then, I will wear this comfortably at home and keep myself cozy. 

Do you have a similar type of clothing that you wear to keep yourself warm?
a case for the armless companion:
+ Positives +
simple yet effective product that keeps me warm.
? Main contention ?
I wonder how many other varieties are out there ...
- Negatives -
not suitable to be worn in public. maybe in the future ...?
RM 15 for an effective vest.
? Value ?
+ simple and clean design that is effective - might not be to everyone's liking = 70%.
- x -

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