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guilty for enjoying my wardrobe

match - segment - temperature
guilty pleasures Tuesday 021

Since I can't quite think of one that can be big enough to warrant a whole entry in and of itself, I want to use the format that I reserve for the Monday and Thursday segments for today, listing three small entries under one bigger theme. For today, I want to pick wardrobe for this first entry for such a format: 

#021a tone up or down?
I touched upon my tendency to match the colour of my wardrobe before so I will only skim the surface this time around. Besides the colour, I will also see the make of the clothes i.e. the fit whereby I will pair up the loose ones with each other since I don't like wear a loose pants with a snug shirt for example. Have you run into the same predicament as me?

#021b under different categories
Okay, do you categorize your own clothes just like I do? Since I buy a lot of them, I need to place them in different stacks since I have a limited space in my CJ Wow Shop closet, and I choose to categorize them in sizes first and materials second. I intend to buy ones with the same sizes first before considering the materials but when the options are limited, as bundles could be for you from time to time, I will buy any that intrigues me even if it's too 'seasoned' or ill-fitting. At home, it is just nice to see them all nicely folded and put in their respective places, making me look through them with positivity.  

#021c weather-dependent
The last thing that I am glad to have a diverse set of collection is when the weather begins to change in temperature or just my own physical body needs feeling a bit cold or hot  when I wake up. Most of the materials have the normal amount of thickness but there are a number with thicker materials that I will turn to when in need to keep myself warm or just to sweat myself out. Having a hot beverage and have my body sweat will offset the low temperature of my body when I wake up, which can be helped with more layers on top of me. Am I alone in this?


Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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