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for your manga reading ...

 - enjoy - event - still
Tips, see Thursday 020 & misc list 109
What a month it has been for yours truly ...
Despite not being in order, here I am trying to keep in theme. Thinking about the subject, there are a number of helpful things that I could give to you that might help at least in some ways ...:

#055: stop and stare
When I have a brand new chapter of my favourite manga series, the need to finish it as quickly as you can in one sitting is immense especially if you are waiting a whole month for it. I want to advice to try and savour it as long as you can, moreover when you have nothing else to read at the end of it. I intentionally not trying to keep as current to the release of the most recent chapter since I love the feeling of knowing that there is a whole lot of storyline waiting for you to get back into it. Take your time and don't rush it. I promise you will enjoy it even more.

#056: make it special
What is actually your reading habit like? Do you read occasionally or do you spend the day reading through every property that you come across and will not stop until you have to eat or sleep? In my humble opinion, that is not a healthy approach and may I suggest making the reading part an event in your daily life. Nothing fancy of course but just try to make it an enjoyable experience that you will look forward to every day! For me, I take a moment to read with a beverage in hand and some snacks to go with it. It helps to add to the reading experience.

#057: no draft
As I've mentioned in my Tuesday segment, it's not all about action and superficial stuff that I look for in mangas but rather the intrinsic moral values that they will try to portray through the main characters and their neverending journey to better themselves that even though they are dealing with monsters and supernatural events, you can look through the surface and know that there are some lessons that can be applied to your daily life. As with every work of fiction, they are made to entertain the audiences first and foremost but that doesn't mean that you can't learn anything from it. If you've never given it a try, how can you judge it based on its appearance only?

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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