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guilty for enjoying mangas

take your time ...
guilty pleasures Tuesday 018
Guilty Pleasure Traits =
+ great scent and security - too invasive for others(?) = So-so

I can't give any more excuses since it doesn't really matter in the end. Let's just hope you're reading this and understand me as a person better, and in turns you'll understand yourself better too hopefully.

Being exposed early on in my childhood to mangas let me know that if I comics were as readily available as well, I might not go out of my house at all since I always look for the newest edition of the series in One Piece or Hunter X Hunter for example. Now with internet you can find what you want easily and free but back then I will reserve some of my pocket money to buy a number of them at the same time, making my constant visit to the mamak store worthwhile in the end when I came home with my hands full with bombastic stories to get into. At least half of the mangas that I used to buy are still saved in the play room as a priceless collection that I may or may not get back into in the future.

Fully understanding of it being viewed as a waste but if you never find a manga that you can relate to its protagonists or just swept away with their far-reaching adventures, you might never find the joy of imagination in your life. Just like book with written words, having a manga with masterfully drawn world and characters with convoluted plots and premise helps you to be immersed in a different world every time since you can visually see how different a mangaka is to another. Having it told to you visually rather than having to rely on your own imagination will not strain your brain as much comparatively and even though it is not as frequent as it was before, I am always looking forward to read the next chapter of a world that has been created for you and just waiting for your next visit.

Just like comics, there are virtually limitless properties for you to sink your teeth into. This is my personal guilty pleasure. Do you have one that you would like to do by yourself?


Chance of Hitting Mainstream =  above 90% since not many would like it like I do ...

a case for the popping limbs:
+ Positives +
the wonderful journey of imagination that will trigger your creativity.
? Main contention ?
not all of the properties are appropriate to all ages ...
- Negatives -
having to wait for the new release when you are following closely to the newest chapters of mangas.
{ underlying themes }

+ . ? . - .
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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