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Black Lightning Supergirl the Flash
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It is that time again for CW superhero shows to come back and here I am trying to cover them episode by episode without spoiling anything in particular, just going through the storyline only on the surface level. Let's see if I can achieve that:

Black Lightning
s02e01 the Book of Consequences:
Chapter One: Rise of the Green Light Babies
Subverting a little the typical season finale for superhero shows by ending the season arc with a full blown clash between the two sides but do not cycle through another batch of new threats, we see the immediate aftermath of the aforementioned showdowns on not only the lives of the superheroes but also the surrounding neighbourhood, with the school and the pods being in the center of the attention. Consequences is the theme of the day with the family of the superheroes suffering the worst and how each of them deal with it with their own abilities (super or not) will reverberate through the season, with Jennifer's still unknown capabilities and Anissa taking matters into her own hands (that will come back to haunt her). I commend the mother that's not backing down to take care of the people in the pods. That earlier fight in the car park was great with an outcome that I didn't expect but what happens at the end makes me think she isn't out of the picture just yet. The other fight in the house reminisces of the Netflix's hall fight and I love every second of it. Exposing the secret identity is not the easiest thing to do but Jefferson Pierce is just too bogged down by all of these, coinciding with learning the real identity of his employee that is tie to the secret government operation that is uncovered last season. The namesake drug that has been terrorising Freeland will be the recurring theme and it will be interesting to see where this will lead. Could Static Shock be imminent? The family dynamic is what the show is mostly known for and I love it, personally.
"I want to save the city, not my job."
s04e01 American Alien
It is a world of its own and it has gone through a lot of changes throughout the first three season and it is going to go through a lot of changes now, with more mentions of Superman and Metropolis comparatively to the last season which is great because of the upcoming crossover and the potential Superman spinoff (with Summer, the former Reign, in Metropolis might be there with Lois Lane that will be introduced later this season). Having the girl of steel going around the world for the first time is a big change this time around, and with the tease of last season and the end scene of the first episode, you know it is only time. With the anniversary of Alien Amnesty Act looming, President Marsden with her Alien Summit and the aliens are under danger, mirroring the real world politics that I applaud them for embracing since it is timely and actually not out of place in this world. Lorelai Luthor is still in the picture and turning a new leaf so it seems while Lena is using her to save James after the reveal of his secret identity (her image inducer gives the aliens option to mask themselves in public, despite its problems). The anti-alien sentiment that will run through fourth season has Doctor Voe suffer in an attack of 'happenstance' and the attack at the bar still does not change Kara's perspective because of her elevated perspective that she can't see it from the eyes of the everyday aliens, until it is too late. That Brainiac side story trying to fit in in DEO is enjoyable while Nia Nal's introduction is perfect and by mirroring her entrance with Danvers', and while she has passion for the job but still hasn't got her courage yet, Kara is just the perfect mentor for her. J'on is in a different predicament now after passing the torch to Director Danvers and changing his tunes with the passing of his father and being at the forefront of this 'bomb' that has its fuse already lit with the public reveal of the real identity of the Madam might force him to call for arms again. Agent Liberty is already making his moves for the love of the country and how much more blood will he spill before the end of the season? I can't wait for Sam Witwer to excel in this role after mostly known for voicing Darth Maul in Star Wars: Rebels.

"Let him who desires peace prepare for war."
the Flash
s05e01 Nora
Nora West Allen, the daughter of Barry Allen and Iris West, shows up and finally introduces herself to the family of Star Labs and how both of future parents handling her presence is the opposite of each other, with the former do not want to mess up the timeline while the latter is eager to get to know their child, with valid reasons behind each decision and the real actual reason she is here in the present. Having the villain of the week, Gridlock, being their first real threat after the aftermath of Devoe, presents itself with a number of plot points that will be in the forefront of this fifth season, from the butterfly effect to the first ever three speedsters collaboration, if I'm not mistaken, and of course the debut of the new future suit. The highlight of the episode is the phasing of an airplane as Barry takes inspirations from Wells and being an immediate mentor to his daughter, and that encourages him to let her stay and getting the father figure that is not there in her childhood. Speaking of which, Kaitlyn Snow will be going through her own past to learn of the origin of Killer Frost and while some might be against this new development of her origin, I'm just looking forward to know where they will go with and giving Panabecker a lot more to do is fine by me. As always, the new big bad of the season might not be a literal speedster again but will definitely tie possibly into the Speed Force which can be a fresh change of pace for once.
"I am the fastest woman alive."

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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