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while I'm trying to concentrate

youth - fire - cannonball
pet peeves Monday 014 & misc list 039
Truth be told, I have been missing the tarawih prayers more than I have doing it so far this month but since my mother said that the Isyak prayer is more rewarded comparatively, I haven't been missing the last wajib prayer of the day since. With that being said, being there among the more childish minded can be quite taxing ...:
#037: unbridled joy equal unending distraction
I am glad that the children are being told to go the mosque or nearby surau to pray and it is more lively with more people around, but the problem starts when they actually don't. They play around the vicinity of the building and even inside the praying area, not even knowing how their ruckus really disturb the praying proceedings, really putting the Muslim who go out of their way to pray here in a tough spot. This could even deter them from going back the next day and I'm just wondering how the parents of these children would feel if they know their kids are this noisy. Do they even care? Kids will always be kids ... no! They should be educated properly! That's your responsibility! Don't let others suffer for your laziness in parenting!

#038: misplaced celebration
Even though Syawal is still weeks away, I'm just accepting the fact that the kids would prematurely play with fireworks and mercun this early in the month of Ramadhan. I don't mind them playing but do they have to play right outside of the surau?! Are you stupid? Really, I'm asking! People inside are trying to concentrate in praying while you are doing your darnedest making as much noises as you can without even caring! Let's not forget that the risk you're taking every time you light that fuse of them blowing up prematurely in your hands ... is it really worth it, guys? Really?

#039: boom there goes the dynamite
Speaking of these surprise explosions, the biggest one of them all is the bamboo cannon. Yes, I said that right, Another variation might be one made by polyester but the concept is the same: using a big cylinder that is buried beneath the ground on one end while the other is exposed for them to put the gun powder in and being ignited to create quite a big booming sound that reverberates throughout the quiet neighborhood. Yes, I don't mind it that close to the Raya but when I'm actually praying and being quite shocked by the surprise boom out of nowhere, I can't say that I appreciate it this early especially this close to the surau with the predominantly senior citizens in it. I don't want to Na'uzubillah stumbling onto a tragic case of heart attack caused by the constant explosions of merriment. I can only be glad of the fact that they will go straight to heaven if they pass away during prayer.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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