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"Hello, asshole!"

Sunday Soapbox 001
Good Samaritan to a fault
[ Hello Counselor ]
Ah, I'm so mad!

There was something that I watched on the television that really irked me to no end since the intention was pure but the execution really turned it into something disgusting. Another segment being inspired by Franklyn 'FM' McInnis (thank you sir!), this is my way to have a proper platform to let out something from the bottom of my heart that has been bothering me for quite some time ... in this particular instance, I want to highlight something that I really rub me the wrong way. If you're a regular watcher of the South Korean advice show 'Hello Counselor', you know it is a platform for regular citizens to come and air their grievances with a significant other or someone close to them, wanting to highlight the error of their ways and discuss the problem with the hosts and guest celebrities in order to find the cause and how to potentially fix it. Okay, do you get the premise?

I noticed that although while some of them do not have that serious of problems, there were a few who were egregious in their faults that I couldn't believe that the simple logic didn't register in their warped mind. Even though this person in question didn't have that dire of problem (rather the opposite), it was how he goes around to achieve that goal that irked me to no end. His 'problem' is he would give money to the needy. Yup, that's the main gist of it. He gives his money to someone who needs it but not in the way that would detrimental to him, and others (I'll get back to that later). He pays for something over the value of the item itself since he takes pity of others and in turns he doesn't have the money to be used for what he has planned for the day. That's all fine and dandy if he doesn't affect others negatively but he does. 
He forces his views upon his friends and others by breaking his promise to treat them for example and forcing them to pay for him instead. That isn't that bad compared to him forcing his one friend to donate money to someone peddling on the street, literally taking the 30 won (their currency) out of his wallet and gives it away without the owner's consent. What the hell was that?! I know it is a noble gesture and will give you good karma for the future but it should be out of his own kindness and not being forced like that! He even gives away fruits that are given to him as a gift to be eaten with his mother right in front of the friend! Even if it's noble, he doesn't appreciate at all the intention behind the gift, looking down on the friend whether purposely or not. They always serves the best (or worst in this case) reveal for last whereas he gives away the money the friends have saved to go for a vacation behind their backs to someone he doesn't actually know and turns out he is conned but doesn't actually pay for his mistake but rather by their friends instead. Who does that?!

In the end of the discussion, he doesn't actually appear to repent for his actions at all, doesn't retrospectively look back on them and view them from the perspective of others. His smugness of being the good one hits me the wrong way, with his demeaning views of the other who are less fortunate than him, always pities them and looks down upon them. When he says that he loves the feelings he get after donating to others, I can see that he is actually addicted to the height of the euphoria he experienced every time rather than being happy for having helped a fellow man in need by providing monetary help. He is chasing that high and viewing these people beneath him as the perfect fodder to his addiction, seeing them as an object rather than a fully fledged human being. I can't believe their friends are still with him since his over the top 'good deeds' make others look bad in comparison and his incessant push of his views upon them who are close to him would be too much in the end! I'm just hoping that he can finally see the faults in his ways, fixing his flawed actions to match his noble intentions.

Woo ... that felt great!


a case for the decent adaptation:
+ Positives +
He is helping people ... that's good at least, despite his intentions!
? Main contention ?
I just wish he would go about it better ...
- Negatives -
Uh, I just hate someone that acts like a saint but horrible to other!
? Trait ?
+ good deeds - forcing - taking advantage - no retrospective = -40%

- x -

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