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for your electric bill

remember - peel - alternate
Tips, see Thursday 006 & misc list 031
I want to fill in these segments as soon as possible but never get the opportunity to do so. As late as this entry might be, at least I try my darnedest, right? Today particularly I would tackle the notion of electricity:
#013: switch off
It might be a given to switch off any electronic devices and appliances that are plugged in order to be a responsible user, but you might be surprised by how much other people who are less aware of their actions, or the lack thereof. For example, my father would just leaves anything that was on from the television to the lights for me to turn off before retreating to bed upstairs. I am quite particular on this matter and would switch off anything that is not in use anymore before sleep for the day, and would beat myself up for missing anything in particular. Trying to save up on electricity cost has always been my mission since I'm the using the most here at home, especially with the laptop turning on from the moment I am awake until I have to fall asleep.

#014: unplugged
This might be for the most thrifty people out there but when I found out about it, I would try to do as much as I can to conserve as much as I could. The circuitry in the wall would always have electricity running through the wires and would be triggered by reacting with anything that is conductive to it, such as the metal part of the plug of course. The thing is that even if you turn off the switch, that plug is still a part of the circuitry and for the electricity to run through the metal, it would consume a little more of it despite that. It might be minute but it is still costly, and if you want to save as much as you can, do unplug as many and often as you can. This could be tiring though.   

#015: alternative
Alternatives could be about the switching from the typical tungsten bulbs for to LED for example and from turning all the lights in the room to just a section of the room to conserve electricity of course. Even right now I'm using a USB LED light connected through my laptop but for those who are not accustomed to it, you have to make the effort until it become a habit and just another routine in the future. We are a creature of habit after all.  
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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