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worlds inside your head, a fabrication and million miles away

Legion - Lost in Space - Westworld
pop culture dailies 016
It's been awhile ... I do watch movies and shows for the past weeks but the frequency certainly slowed down comparatively. With that being said, here is three series that I am intrigued and would want to get into:

Legion s02e01-06 [FX]
The first season was such an acid trippy trip going on a personal mind-bending journey with David Haller as possibly the most powerful Mutant trying to cope with another Mutant, the Shadow King, trying to twist his mind and take over him completely. It ended with a happy ending albeit with a caveat and that caveat is the whole focus of this sophomore effort, putting the main protagonist again with his returning arch-villain with bigger stakes on the line. We delves into the side characters more since we spend the whole debut season in his mind and learning of his life with the usual visual splendour and unconventional storytelling that it is known for. Just like Hannibal, this particular approach by Noah Hawley has been the major dividing aspect, pushing out those who couldn't go through the wacky rollercoaster ride while rewarding the passengers with a unique viewing experience unlike anything else. I can see where it is going as the we reach the halfway point (kudos for that extra episode! where can they put it though?) and whether or not it is as strong as the first, I always look forward to the next episode week after week.
Lost in Space s01e01-06 [Netflix]
I know that this is a modern reboot of an old television show but I went in without any other prior knowledge and I was treated with a familial journey across the galaxy as a family of five being forced out of their targeted trajectory and crash landed on a foreign planet. The flashback trope is used well here as we go back and forth from their time on Earth and their time on this icy planet, seeing their happy family's lives being disrupted by a mysterious appearance of an UFO (I'm not quite sure here, this is straight off the top of my head) and they being entangled in the mankind's mission to search for extraterrestrial life and now the repercussion that they still don't know why it happened and have to live with the aftermath. Their relationship are being strained even more so when the mother injured her leg in the descent while the outgoing (adopted?) daughter went out of her way and not listened to her father's advice and paid the price by getting stuck in the ice with the unconfident son being separated and had to fend for himself in a foreign forest. The parents didn't actually have a healthy relationship before the trip but they stayed together for now for their children but when they did their all to survive and save the trapped child, it was all for naught but that was before the youngest comes to the rescue with a robotic alien that he had to fight his fear against and saved out of his kindness despite his own mortality being at stake in a forest fire, being repaid kindly by being saved from the fire with his sister being plucked out of the ice as well. It would be too straightforward if we don't have a more deeper plot revolving the aforementioned aliens themselves and a mysterious female masquerading as a doctor who is safe to say have an active involvement in the tragic event on the Resolute. The production value is top notch but the family is the other main reasons I want to come back and see more.
Westworld s02e01-02 [HBO]
Nobody expect a full series based on a classic film of a western theme park full of robots would be a success but after Game of Thrones, you should never doubt HBO's ability again to conjure up such a fully realised world and a world full of intrigue as we delved into the concept of consciousness and whether or not artificial intelligence should warrant the same treatment as a human being. That concept was thoroughly dissected and fully delved into and this is the continuation of the aftermath of the finale, with three distinct storyline to follow. The time jump was quite intricate last time out but they trim it down and use it sparingly to aid the storytelling as we follow the main protagonists and antagonists, between the robots and the humans in the past, present and future(?). I want to do a full review of the show if I can (do you still want that Jessica Jones one being continued again?) so I'll cut it short here and I hope you are in for the ride of a lifetime.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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