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guilty for coiling

take your time ...
guilty pleasures Tuesday 017
Guilty Pleasure Traits =
+ great scent and security - too invasive for others(?) = So-so

I guess I should just get straight on with making this week especially around mosquito coils since it's been part of my night rituals especially recently.

Living in a tropical climate brings with it a lot of positives and negatives and one of them is having to deal with mosquitoes when the day turn dark every day. That's why the door and windows are always closed in this household and I am always perplex by how much other people actually leave theirs open freely. Aren't they getting bitten freely out of their volition like that? Anyway, you know of my own affinity to scents before from my previous post and this one is an extension of that aside from keeping the blood leecher away.

Having it just beside me every night is like a silent, dependable companion that would keep me company and of course keep me safe. Not actually burn through the whole coil in one night by breaking a section off every time makes me able to use it in the future whenever I need an extra ten minutes of burn. I'm not sure how this particular behaviour would be viewed by other people from other countries. I always will turn off the fan to ensure full effectiveness of the coils and couple that with its heaviness and scents, I'm sure it might not be for all people hence why it is included here in this category.

So, this is my personal guilty pleasure. Do you have one that is tied to your particular way of living?


Chance of Hitting Mainstream =  below 70% since not many would like it like I do ...

a case for the popping limbs:
+ Positives +
the familiar sense of security and scent.
? Main contention ?
where the puff of smokes go nobody know ...
- Negatives -
some would be definitely be bothered by it, from being hot with the fan turn off and the heaviness of the air.
{ underlying themes }

+ . ? . - .
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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