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it's all in the scent

by myself
guilty pleasures Tuesday 010 & misc list 046

Guilty Pleasure Traits =
+ a momentary pleasure - not widely accepted + different material,
different scent - not applicable to all situation = Middling
Hm ... I might have a proper entry into this particular segment, with my guilty pleasure of the 'week' is smell, or more specifically the smell of fabric. I have no idea when this admittedly peculiar trait of mine started in my adolescence but I know it at least stayed with me until now, since I used to have this blanket at my side at all time until I accidentally left it in a resort in Perak during a club activity. It wasn't a safety blanket per say but since it has always been there before, I didn't put really much thought into it about it was there all along but rather just appreciate a constant companion in my life. When it wasn't there anymore, I didn't feel the void too much but it did made me questioned why I had it in the first place.

It turned out I had a habit of keeping it close to me without having any reason behind it at all but since now I already replace it with an army muffler, I begin to adore the smell of the fabric that it has and now I become aware of any product with fabric around me and how they smell to my sense. I began to pay attention to how it smells after a thorough wash and how it retain it, whether from exposure to other fabrics or just being exposed to the surroundings while not in use. I might touch upon it in the tip segment following suit.

Certainly a guilty pleasure from my own opinion since I can't see how others would view this trait of mine since it's not exactly bad for my health but certainly weird in the public. It hasn't leave my side since I bought it a few years ago and if you see someone walking in the mall with a camouflaged muffler at his side here locally or maybe even abroad, that could be me. It gives me a momentary feel of bliss if the scent is to my liking, that's all.

As you do you, I will do me. Strange phrasing aside, this is me.


Chance of Hitting Mainstream 
50% since not everyone have the same curiosity.

a case for my solitary inclination:
+ Highlights +
you are only responsible with yourself and not with another body, free to do anything as you please.
? Main contention ?
not having another person to bounce off ideas could lead you to stagnation ...
- Lowlights -
human is a social creature. I feel the need now and then. 
{ underlying themes }
hm ... it's just a way for me to not be responsible onto others, don't want to risk putting it all on the line again just to be devastated in the end. with that being said, with no risk there is no reward!

Well, let me use this list for things around me that smell nice:

#01: army muffler
+ ventilated design with less absorbent fabric. ? how do people view us with army paraphernalia?
- rarely match with my wardrobe.

#02: shirt
+ my most preferred piece of wardrobe. ? every shirt have different quality of cotton ...
- ... and some are more conducive of sweat than others.

#03: pillow
+ soft fabric to the hand and the hair. ? my hair is always messy when waking up,certainly shedding a lot of cells onto it. - have to pay attention to the smell since I've been around it for so long that I might be numb to it.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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