right off the bones
Foodie Friday 018
bone soup
[ ? ]
Availability: local and beyond (?) ...
Pleasantries aside, I've been meaning to post this last week but just couldn't make time for it since it was quite timely before. If you noticed, it was the annual Aidil Adha for Muslims all around the world, with those practicing the religion of Islam going to its place of origin for a pilgrimage (for those who are able physically and monetarily) to Mecca and visit the Kaabah and congregate around the Holy Land. Asides from this once in a lifetime event, they can also celebrate the occasion with a sacrifice of lamb or cow that they paid for in the name of Allah, and also to be distributed to the poor and unfortunate. It might sound a bit cruel but if they are being slaughtered properly in 'Halal' way, it was quick and easy. Okay, does this Cliff's Note version works for you? Basically, those who paid for the sacrifices would get first dibs so to speak on the meat and these meats or in this case mutton are the basis for this special delicacy my mother would always make with them: sup tulang or bone soup!
It is a simple dish in and of itself but it is a complete, filling diet to me, but give it a try yourself and tell me what you think!
? Main contention ?
a case for the off the bone delicacy:
+ Positives +
rich and satisfying experience of delicious meat and rich soup.
the meat would always define how well the soup and eventual dish would be.
- Negatives -
the aftermath on the dish and on my finger and mouth ... the oil is unlike any other!
! Warning !
It's almost unneeded to be said that you should watch for too much of a good thing.
j preferred way of eating f
a full serving with plenty of time to rest and digest between them.
* sense of touch & taste *
the softness of the plain rice being complemented by the rich and full soup as well as the chewy and filling meat of course.
well, it is quite pricey to sponsor the sacrifice of course but even during the regular time it is definitely be considered as a novel dish.
? Value ?
+ rich taste and soup of authentic mutton + filling in and of itself - the messy oily aftermath = 90%
- x -
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