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"A good soldier never leaves a man behind!"

Wardrobe Wednesday 026
Toy Story's Army Men shirt
< Disney & uniqlo >
I'm pretty sure I will run of things to cover eventually so that's why I'm going down my wardrobe one by one and taking my time. It's basically the same really but I might think twice before combining two products such as the Storm Trooper ... maybe I'll make an exception when the pairing is too good to pass up. What do you think?

Disney has been such a prominent provider of entertainment throughout my life and through that they instill a lot of important family and moral values intrinsically and extrinsically with their animated features. One of the leaders of their classic is the timeless Toy Story series whereby we see how toys who have a life of their own would have their own world and how they would react with our human world. Andy's toys have quite a variety in them and the Army Men toys are being 'brought to life' and animated wonderfully as a full battalion that depends on each other by giving orders to one another or creating a chain out of the soldiers. You can't think of the movie without the Army Men and this shirt is a perfect representation of them.
Camouflage would be a bit too on the nose and I did appreciate the minimalist approach since it is used to perfection here. With the correct shade of green used for the overall colour scheme, it is a perfect background to contrast with the colour of the Army Men themselves. Colour-wise the overall design is spot-on and concept-wise is the same as well with a perfect representation of the Toy Story concept with the toys all appear stationary and normal until you see one moves out of the corner of your eyes. Making that one soldier looks out in alert is pretty appropriate as well since they are always helping Woody by being the observation specialists as the eyes of their world. The quality of the product is exceptional from uniqlo as always and I'm glad to find this in the wild and will wear them out proudly. I'm sure there would be someone who would get the references in the future ...

Do you have a Toy Story shirt or merchandise yourself? Let me know what exactly in your feedback.
a case for the loyal brothers in arms:
+ Positives +
simple yet effective product for Toy Story.
? Main contention ?
I wonder how the other toys would be treated in this approach ...
- Negatives -
Too simple ... maybe?
RM 15 for a quality product.
? Value ?
+ smart and effective minimalist design + quality product - too simple ...? = 85%.
- x -

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