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for your mosquito coil

 - conserve - double - still
Tips, see Thursday 019 & misc list 099
Well, I should have make a followup for the podcast days ago ...
Well, here I am concluding the week of mosquito coil. This might appeal to the smallest demography yet but here we go ...:

#055: three and a quarter
I will always do this if I don't buy the extra large version of the coil and just using the regular one since I just want the feeling of safety the presence of the smokes would bring to me and I deduce that you don't have to keep it light up throughout that night to kill the mosquitoes. By breaking one segment or coil apart from the middle, I can be assured that these extras that I am reserving would be available for me to use in the future if I want to.

#056: more than one
This is something that I was surprised I didn't think of sooner since I always light it up when there are biting away at me but then I have to wait for the smokes to accumulate before I can see its effects around me. Well, why don't you light up more than just one coil then? Now I always light the front part of the coil and let the fire burn through the second segment as well, increasing the intensity of the smokes threefold with now three sources instead of one! It works wonders for me since then, so give it a go and let me know how it is for you!

#057: no draft
Such a simple thing to consider when you are using the coil that you might overlook sometimes. I believe that its effectiveness would be at its highest when the fog is at its most thickness rather than dissipates away by being blown away by the fan. Even when it is not on, you should pay attention to any air draft that might go through your room when you leave the door open. Let the smokes do its thing to keep you safe from harm.

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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