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as I'm trying to avoid as far as I could ...

after-scent - freely discard - secondhand
pet peeves Monday 021 & misc list 090
After seeing my younger brother off back to the college, I was reminded by one of the biggest peeves of mine that I was surprised that I have not cover yet ... :
#055: imprint on everything
Maybe I've mentioned this before but all my brothers (and my father included) are smokers and since I hate it with every fiber of my being (it was punctuated with my emotional breakdown that time I was 'forced' to smoke a cigarette), I know I won't be even attracted to it but I know they are addicted and that addiction need a tremendous amount of self-discipline and motivation to kick away. With that being said, there literally is nothing good coming out of this self-harm activity and one of the biggest aftermath for me is when the smokes would be absorbed by the surroundings from even the wall and of course the fabric of the clothes and the sofa. When you smoke in an enclosed room with that smokes have nowhere to go and just linger in the atmosphere, do you think it will just magically go away when you open the door?! If I want to use that room after that, I had to turn the fan up to the full volume and air it out for at least half an hour before that aftertaste of the stench could actually dissipates and I can breathe easy again! God, don't these guys only ever think of anyone but themselves?!

#056: discard when finish
Besides the strong stench of the smokes, it was what happened next that determine whether I would look favourly upon you or not. After smoking the cigarette all the way down (or at least as close as you can) to the filter, where do you throw it away? Do you throw it in the designated bin or just flick it away anywhere? Do you throw it or flick it? If you're the latter, I want to know ... why? After contributing to the air pollution and endangering people's health, why are you adding to the list and contaminating the environment? You know that there are possibilities of these buds still have residual heat on them and could cause incidental fire if not thrown away properly?! That's what the sand on top of the dustbin are for! Do you only care of getting your fix of daily nicotine intake and not care of the consequences of your actions?! You'll never learn until it is too late ...

#057: endanger my health as well, why don't you?
Speaking of which, this is the biggest trait of smoking that make me really view these people with sneers and jeers: secondhand smoking. I can understand you catering to your own addiction despite the adverse effects on your heath and wealth, but don't include others who are not innocent and punish them because of your own sins! I am glad that my brothers would actually go out of the house to smoke (although my father has been bravely one or twice smoke inside recently) but when you just smoke inside without proper ventilation with your family members in the close vicinity ripe to be enveloped in the smokes, I can't comprehend how you can think this won't matter to them. With full adults would be greatly affected by inhaling the smokes, I don't even want to think how children or pregnant women would suffer even more. Please smoke responsibly if you have to, I beg of you ...
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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