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guilty for popping

take your time ...
guilty pleasures Tuesday 017
Guilty Pleasure Traits =
+ great sensation and audio feedback - annoying(?) = So-so

Do you ever take a moment and reflect on yourself and see you from other people's perspective? I might have asked this question before but it always help me to find topics to cover for my 'daily' segments because you just take things for granted or just overlook things that you do that might rub others the wrong way. You may live as you will without any care but when you do care, you might have some ticks or habits that you just can't help yourself to do, and despite it might irk some, this is just one of those for me.

What do you think of the sound of bones popping? You should know that it's not the sound of bones crackling but rather just the hollow space between your joints being filled up with air and they are being forced out naturally by your natural movements or your intentionally crackling your fingers for example (this is right from the top of my head, so please do make further research). I wasn't keen on it before but has been embracing it lately ever since my ankles have been popping out of their own volition starting early this year. Okay, if you're like me, you just play a little game in your head when somebody is going down the stairs in my house, and I pay attention to the distinct sounds my mother and my father makes, with the former pushing down on the handrails while the latter making the popping sounds every time he takes a step. Yeah, I inherit this from my father and I just accept it as part of myself now. Do you have something that inherit from your parents or grandparents that are just like this?

It makes into the guilty pleasure category since I quite like the whole journey that I have to go to seek for these sounds, having to make an effort myself to search for them by individually crackling my fingers, knee, neck and even my ankle and get that rewarding lingering sensation of the immediate aftermath. Sometimes I just did it like a second nature in public and then caught myself in the middle of the process or right after. I'm not sure whether people would be fine with me making these sounds myself or would be annoyed right away. It might like a nail on the chalkboard for some or just like nothing for others. Only this has been keeping me guarded when I go around myself but it's not too bothersome really so I can make peace with that.

So, that's it. It is quite a small thing in the end but it's my own. What is your small guilty pleasure that might or might not irk others?


Chance of Hitting Mainstream =  below 70% since not many would do it voluntarily ...

a case for the popping limbs:
+ Positives +
the aftereffect sensation and the audio feedback.
? Main contention ?
the sound is the main variable here.
- Negatives -
some would not like it.
{ underlying themes }
nothing really ...

+ . ? . - .
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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