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keep your promise and be accountable of your actions

obligatory journal 011
New Year's Resolution
weekly update #1
#1 more regular Al-Quran reciting
For the first week, it was more of the same as I keep to the same schedule that I had been following for the last month. I think I need to pick up the pace a bit even if for just a little, maybe increasing the page that I go through every now and then or maybe have another day to recite added to my current thrice weekly quota. If you've been regularly visit my blog, first of all, thank you! Second, you know I did wrote down the doa post-wudhuk to be kept by my side and read upon regularly to be forever embedded in my mind. This is the exact approach that I have for those surahs that have elude my grasps for so long, but that was purely for the lack of effort from my part. Well, not anymore! 
#2 weekly adequate exercises
Started the week with the sequence of thirty minutes jog and weightlifting alternating between each other from Monday to Thursday, the weather had been forcing me to stay indoor for the rest of the week and I wasn't even able to do anything since I punctured the bottom of my right feet with an old, (rusty?) nail. Oh quick tips, if this happens to you just keep putting the pressure around the wound to force out the blood and the potential taint element of the rust. The initial pain would be intense in the first few minutes but I want to assure you that it will passed as fast as it came, as I firsthand found out myself. With that being said, I was being safe and not putting pressure on it not until just a few hours ago. As I've mentioned before, my body does not accumulate fat as easier as others which is a plus so I need to bounce back tomorrow and be as active as I can. How about you?
#3 more regularized Funko POP designs
Well ... this is embarrassing, huh? Only one design for the whole week, that didn't include the other one that brought over from the previous week. Sometimes my attention just went everywhere without anywhere specific, spreading myself too thin and that resulted in a lopsided result in the end. I have to make it better next time out ...
#4 pray full for the whole year
I am surprised by myself for being able to pray on time (or at least in the timeframe ... maybe I should pray as soon as the azan finishes, it's not like I'm doing anything). There was an instance that I reverted to my old lazy self for a day but I intend to replace those I missed as soon as possible. It is my responsibility as a Muslim. Do you pay attention to your ibadah as well? Even if you're practicing another religion, have you done your due diligence to keep true to your faith?
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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