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obligatory journal 007
New Year's Resolution #1 Pray full for the whole year
Since I think I'll have a lot of resolutions that I am too lazy to write down, I will make a post for each one that crosses my mind at the moment. I was just finishing my Ishak prayer before when this thought crosses my mind: I will try my best to pray the full five prayers every day hopefully for the whole year! If you didn't know, us who practice the religion of Islam are called Muslims and we are obligated to pray five times throughout the day and I'm embarrassed to admit that last year was atrocious for me since I left one after another left and right and only last month that I took the effort to forced myself to change that habit. Since we are only three days into 2018, my record has been spotless so far but I need to work with the timing since I keep missing the Subuh prayer by sleeping late and hence waking up late. If I keep it that way, I can 'repay' so to speak those prayers that I didn't do before by replacing them after my tunai prayer. It is part of the rukun of Islam or roughly translated to Islam's Commandment. So, that is my first new year resolution, trying to be a better Muslim than before. Even if you're practicing other religion, I'm sure there are ways you can be better at it in some ways and let's support and cheer for each other to do our best for our religions.

Chance of success:
80% as long as I keep it up as a habit and replacing those that I didn't do.

Keep it up! I'm sure I will!
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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