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"I will be your blood bag."

obligatory journal 012
New Year's Resolution #5
Giving back to the community
Okay, this doesn't actually have a tangible, countable final outcome at the end of the line, but rather more or less as a reminder to myself that I should strive to do better this year. It is is a rather ambiguous goal but basically it's me writing down my inclination to give back to the community in any way and any shape I can. In the past, I've been trying to do good to those around me i.e. cleaning up the road of any obstacle, giving spare change (or ringgits) to those who were less fortunate and weekly donation to the nearby mosque after each Friday prayer. It's really minute to what others have donated but it's my small contribution, my own personal way to make the day a little better for others. It is actually more of the same for this year but I want to give more, specifically other than monetary gift. I've always seen that giving blood to the nearest hospital is a novel yet life-saving action that any normal, healthy person could do if they so choose. Since I can gladly say that I am indeed included in the category, I want to take action to get me closer to that goal. The nearest hospital's website does not list the exact date of when they do a blood drive but I think if I went there myself and ask the counter, I'm sure I'll get the necessary information that I need. Flinching in front of needles is something that I still unconsciously do (the initial pain and seeing it go into your skin is the caveat for me) but I will still do it since it is for a good cause. The biggest element that push me to go for it is that my blood type is O, so it can be used to help the most amount of people who are in need! By the end of this week, I should at least find out the date or maybe straight away take out my blood if they're all ready to go right away. For a few seconds of pain and a few pints of my own blood and hours of numbness, you will contribute in potentially helping the hospital in saving lives ... what better result could you ask for? 

Chance of success:
90% if I am keep myself healthy for the whole year and needle proves to be not that daunting.

If I can go weekly, I will go and I will keep my body healthy in the meantime. :-)

Bonus Point:
1+ if I can donate my blood every month for the year
1+ if I can register to donate my organs if I passed away unexpectedly with still healthy organs to spare. I mean ... why not? You're not using it anymore, let others who need it use them!
I'll touch on it another time ...
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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