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hunted for rebelling against an iron fist.

Alice Through the Looking Glass, Marvel's Runaways & Fox's the Gifted
pop culture dailies 005
The thing is though I want to keep the distance between the post of this particular segment the same every time, with four posts between them if you notice at all, which is one of the reasons my post count is slow this week ...

Alice Through the Looking Glass
Despite being criticized for his reinterpretation of the world of Alice in Wonderland, it is proven that Tim Burton's take on the classic take to be a success worldwide. That was for the first outing but the followup did not live up to the expectation as the change of director and creating a whole new storyline out of the singular premise (there was a book with the same title but as far away as the storyline is considered) didn't exactly panned out as the initial ideas on the page would suggest. It did performed admirably in the theaters though as the colourful world and characters still grab the imagination of the masses even though the story itself and its execution left much to be desired! I can honestly say though it is perfect for a 3D viewing experience, in the same veins as Avatar. I have to say I'm particularly attracted to how they designed the character. I might adapt them in the future!

Marvel's Runaways s01e08
I haven't read the book itself but just seeing the cover with the eclectic cast (and that Raptor, Old Lace, though!), I was intrigued right away from the live action conception to its final product ready to be aired on hulu. From the first episode until now, I was hooked from the start and started to care for these former friends being forced together once again and how accidentally finding out what their parents were actually doing behind their backs affect them in every single way. I learned that they deviate away in some aspects of the overall storyline from the original in trying to ground them in unique family dynamics and closer to their parents, fleshing them out even to the level of making them relatable and in turns empathize with. The over-thee-top concepts from the pages of the comics are tuned down and simplified to their core ideas which worked well throughout the season as all of them are portrayed as real life people that are living in extraordinary circumstances and with the series is already winding down and coming to a definite explosive conclusion for the last three episodes, they can go and expand on this proof-of-concept and keep going better off of this solid foundation. Just like how tangentially related Netflix shows are to the MCU's movies, this could be the start of its own small pocket of universe as well. That Cloak and Dagger on xxx is also primed to be following on the show's footsteps. I hope it comes out soon enough!

the Gifted s01e04
Here's another show tangentially related to movie cinematic universe, specifically the Fox's X-Men Universe (although we need to wait and see what would after in the aftermath of the recent merger). With that being said, they certainly carved their own alternate reality whereby the X-Men are no longer there and the remaining mutant civilians are being hunted relentlessly by the Sentinel and being forcibly grouped together to ensure 'safety of the people. Since it's not based on any specific storyline of the comic canon, they can pick and choose any of the mutants and retconned into one cohesive premise, with ones who can open portals (her counterpart is in Days of Future Past), control metal (could she be related to Magneto), making force shield, and many more. Giving the focus on one particular family being involved on both sides of the law and how they are entangled with a group of superpowered individuals, it's always good to have someone to root for against the odds stacking against them and now they are back together again, I am looking forward to see what would come after this!
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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