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under one umbrella

POP's wish list 011 miscellanous {DC} [Founded in 1934]
This is something that I've been meaning to get to since the first time I ran into his videos and listing them in the housekeeping segment. He always have some interesting choices for POPs that I would wholeheartedly agree! Oh, I always agree with almost all of his criticisms on Funko itself and this video in particular as well. So, let's see what he has listed and I'll pick some that I agree as well:
You should never forget where you are originated. I certainly love this particular art style!
Traits: have signature looks that would be instantly recognizable, perfect for a two pack release.
Viability: above 70% as they started to go further back into the roster and he's one of the main cast.
He just have that certain swagger adding to that snazzy suit. With the gun and that Black Mask, you can never mistaken him with someone else! Traits: signature three-piece suit and that mask would stand out in any collection. Viability: above 70% as Batman is one of their main leading serie.
The totem-wearing African superhero that could summon animal powers! What more do you want?
Traits: her signature (as always) outfit and totem and being of one of the few African characters in the animation and TV as well. Viability: below 70% since Legends of Tomorrow is not releasing second wave anytime soon ... with Black Lightning not getting his own, it would fare so well for her.
Being the exact opposite of Batman, his lethal approach is perfect to contrast with the Dark Knight.
Traits: as memorable outfit that represent his viewpoint perfectly, with the bright red standing out.
Viability: above 70% as another possible entry for villain-specific Batman wave in the future.
Thank you for your time and please do come back for more. Assalamualaikum and good bye! :-)

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