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altering my venture on the handy trailer

- Altered Carbon - comic venture - the Cloverfield Paradox - trailers avalanche
moments of the week 001 & misc list 003

This would be a weekly entry that would allow me to highlight anything that is significant to me in the whole of last week or just couldn't fit in into the existing slots:

Altered Carbon's premiere ending shot
Just like I've mentioned in an earler post on the episode, I still couldn't fully grasp all the technical jargon made up for this particular premise but I can understand the general position each character is holding in the storyline, from an elite ruler who wants to solve his own murder, an ex-freedom fighter being brought back to life in a new body in order to solve it and the surrounding supporting cast from the upstanding police officer to the criminal groups that are somehow tie into the death. Aside from the science fiction aspect of having the capability to bring people back from death (if certain requirements are met), that is a premise that have been done so much already which is why the sorely-needed elements of the cyberpunk futuristic world is vital in giving it an extra layers of unpredictability and complications. That one moment that I wanted to highlight as a fitting representative of what's to come is the ending shot of the main protagonist looking over the beautifully-realized blocks of buildings full of inhabitants with their own story to tell in this bizarre world. I hope this adaptation would do the book justice.

comic venture
Having done well for months designing custom Funko POP designs of my own, I am just loving putting my own personal touches on some of my favourite pop culture properties that have not been adapted yet but resting on my laurels means that I would never improve upon my limited set of skills which was why I decided to jump into the deep end and having a go in drawing my own comics after years of enjoying other's creations. It is just a small incoherent step for now but it personally signifies a major step in the right direction for me. Wish me luck!
the Cloverfield Paradox's clashing of dimensions
No matter how flawed the execution of the concept was in the final product of the attempt to retroactively add the Cloverfield aspect into an existing contained script, I appreciate the the effort nonetheless and it certainly expand the shared universe even more. Even when the aftereffects of the particle accelerator malfunction (that's not exactly correct, I don't think ...) was not exactly properly explained, the slow reveal of them are quite entertaining and mostly effective with the portal through the wall and having a human stuck in it with wires and bar going through her. The one thing I remember the most is of course the definite nod to the Addams Family with that crew's hand coming back to greet them, complete with his own personality and sass. It made some sense in the scene itself and I hope studios would not shy away from paying tributes to their past in the future.
trailers avalanche
I know that the Superbowl weekend would carry with it a number of high profile Big Game spots for a myriad of big budget studio films and even if you could predict some of the potential entries, you'll never know what kind of reactions they would elicit not until after they came out. Let's list them out first: a sixth entry of the remaining action-and-spy series (unlike Bond's spy-and-action  series), a tenth year culmination of a major superhero universe, a followup to a modern entry of a beloved dinosaur world, a troubled young reimagination of a scoundrel and an inexplicable 'spinoff' of the main nemesis of a friendly neighbourhood superhero. Who would have thought that Mission Impossible's latest iteration would garner the most positive buzz with its pulsating and nonstop action introductory debut trailer over others?! Marvel's Infinity War gives us a new look of the superheroes but nothing groundbreaking which is understandable considering they do not want to overshadow Black Panther's upcoming theatrical release while Fallen Kingdom is expanding on the first trailer by giving a little more personal storyline that would run concurrently with the impending volcano eruption. Solo: A Star Wars Story is in a tricky predicament after the polarizing reception of the Last Jedi and their own unprecedented production problems and our first official look of the prequel finally came after they tried to delay it as far as possible from Episode VIII and as late as possible from its still unchanged May release. The look and feel is familiar with its predecessor, Rogue One (who had its own fair share of reshoots but not to this extent), although most of the conversations are around the limited looks of the younger replacements of the beloved cult heroes and the harsh judgment being thrown over them. You already know my stance on Sony's Venom and I would give a couple of them more detailed reviews hopefully in the weekend so you should tune in for that, that is if you have not already see other internet breakdowns already. You're welcome to wait, but if you won't, that's okay. I'm not your boss.

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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