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the grumpy dawn of human civilization

topic of the day 049 & video of the day 045
9,000 years old Greek Teenager Reconstructed

Using CT scans and 3D-printing, an international team of scientists have made a silicone recreation of the remains of a teenage girl whose bones were found in 1993 in a cave in central Greece in Thessaly. “Dawn,” who lived around 7,000 BC during the Mesolithic period has a protruding jaw, possibly from chewing on animal skin to turn it into soft leather. It’s also possible she dealt with anemia and scurvy, as well as pain and difficulty moving in her joints, all of which might have contributed to her young death between the ages of 15 and 18.

What, who, when, where, why? Then, so?

What, Who: skeletal remains of 15-18 years old 'Dawn' who lived in Mesolithic period,
believed to be suffered from anemia and joint problems that could lead to her death.

When, Where: in a cave in the Thessaly region of Greece in 1993.

What: a group of scientists led by Athens University orthodontics professor reconstructed her face,
using silicon from a terracotta mold.

Why: You will be forgiven for not knowing that the shape of our skeleton helps in defining how our face with all the muscle and skin would look like, just like how everyone would look so much different from each other. Go figure! All those brilliant minds help in having educated guess of the correct (or at least close) amount of tissue and muscle that would be on the face based on their diet and environmental factors.

Then, So: Well, aren't you at least a little bit curious of how they look thousands years ago? Now you know!

source: nerdist

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