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a month in ... so?

obligatory journal 017
New Year's Resolution
weekly update #4

 I was a bit aware last week but it has just become a part of my life now, which good resolutions should always be. (¬‿¬)
#1 more regular Al-Quran reciting
I finally wrote down surah Al-Falakh! That would certainly help me in diversifying my repertoire when I pray ... as unintentionally crass as that sounds, my intention is to not rest on my laurels and delve into the Holy Book even more in order to better my everyday prayers. Truth be told, I lessen a bit my Al-Quran reciting for the duration of last week but it was only because I went to the nearby surau or mosque almost every other day for Maghreb prayer, and that one day that I recited through three pages one after another. So, there's that
#2 weekly adequate exercises
A bit of a lull week for my regular exercise routines but even though I didn't follow what I had in mind before, I certainly did kept myself busy and at least sweated a bit with chores around the house, cleaning the drain with water-jet pumps in conjunction with the neighbourhood's yearly gotong-royong or cleaning (a rough translation) and helping out a dear friend moving his stuff into his car and onto the lorry because he was moving away. I just want to sweat every day and looking back retrospectively, I did just that, keeping my body healthy as it is!
#3 more regularized Funko POP designs
That was a flash in the pan as I did a couple of quick sketches in a row that I stretched across the week and I just couldn't keep it up. I have a couple of candidates that I want to do but there would need to use the double size since they are so detailed but I am afraid of spending too much time on them that I would overlook others! Hm ... I guess you'll have to wait and see what you'll get this week, huh?
#4 pray full for the whole year
Well ... another downturn for me as I just took the easy way out and overlook my obligation in the weekend ... I promise to pay it back as I had done for a couple of them in the morning just now. Having to write it down definitely helped me in embracing my failures and forcing me to do better. Do you receive the same effect?
#5 giving back to the community
Maybe I should've just overlook this resolution altogether since there is not much to be updated on. The donation is just par for the course for me and it would looked like I was humble-bragging just to humble-brag. The blood donation is not an active effort by the hospital, almost bi-monthly instead of weekly when they open up a blood drive in the nearby pekan or small city. I'll keep looking for any viable news to be written here in the future. Wish me luck!  

I hope with my attempt to keep myself accountable, this would motivate you to do same!
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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