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remember, remember, the fifth ... week of my resolutions

obligatory journal 018
New Year's Resolution
weekly update #5

Did some mistakes but will learn from it to better myself for the future ... \ (•◡•) /
#1 more regular Al-Quran reciting
I kind of liking the new habit that I am starting to get used to, having every evening i.e. Maghrib of the whole week to be filled with religious activities, which are reciting Al-Quran and going for jemaah prayer at the nearby surau. I try to make up for the space between the reading by adding another page in my (almost daily) recital, having three pages total, which I hope I can maintain for the rest of the year!
#2 weekly adequate exercises
Here is the biggest mistake I made myself last week among other small things: I went bundle or thrift-browsing throughout the afternoon of last Friday and after all that standing around, I went straight for a quick jog before the Maghrib prayer. When I arrived home from that jog, the aftereffect started to kick in for the rest of the night and the whole Saturday as my knees (specifically my left knee with that recurring pulsating injury) began to scream in pain as the result of overwork and of course, lack of warm up! Learn from your mistakes, people! I was filling the week well before but had to take a couple of days to rest my body and make a possible (hopefully) full recovery.
#3 more regularized Funko POP designs
Well, I did something new last week and understandably that occupy some of my time that could be used to drawn more POP designs, but it never hurts to try something new and give my output some variety and although I never get any feedback from you guys and girls whether to lean to one side or another, I have been releasing too many designs already that a comic (or at least an attempt of it) should be wonderful, right? With that being said, I will try to make up for the deficiency of last week this week. That Bigby is last week's Moby Dick, so elusive! 
#4 pray full for the whole year
I am having a better routine that would motivate me to do better for my everyday prayers but there are still that lingering bad routine from my lazy days that crept up on me and I just rest on my laurels and enjoyed that momentary freedom which I knew I had to pay back in the future. I just need to be mindful of myself and keep on reminding myself to be better than before. Everyone should have someone to remind themselves, even if it is yourself, right?
#5 giving back to the community
Again, no update yet. Maybe I should update this list with a new resolution, then!

I hope with my attempt to keep myself accountable, this would motivate you to do same!
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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