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a picture worth a thousand words

guilty pleasures 001 & misc list 002
Guilty Pleasure Traits =
- Time + Artistic Values - Edit + Mass Appeal - Storage + Current = Even

Truth be told, I never know where my passion for beautiful desktop wallpaper comes from, maybe it was triggered when I saw that default wallpaper of green hill for Windows XP (or Vista? I can't remember ... scratch that, I was correct!) and the rest is history. I can appreciate how beautifully it was framed and that made me look for that trait in every image after that, picking and choose what would make a wonderful wallpaper that someone out there could appreciate them the way that I did. I became obsessed when I begin searching for wallpapers of all sorts of kinds, from pop culture properties i.e. games, movies and mangas to more nature-based i.e. scenery, animals and space, and everything in between really. I begin to learn which site is the better place to search for quality images and what resolutions are the most widely used by people out there, using this approach to post on forum for years before, before I was inexplicably banned and sour my experience there, hence forcing me to turn my attention to other platforms such as this blog and my current dependable storage platform, imgur. Knowing that most modern people spend their time on their smartphones, I planned to cater to this demography as well, going hand in hand with the usual desktop format before. I believe the reception has been well and since I can't gauge your feedback on this platform (you all will never send me a message here, right?), I know the imgur community certainly reacted well (and the occasional reddit community feedback of course) and that most of all motivates me to keep on doing this. I'm not sure if there is anybody out there that shares my passion as well ... well, do you?

Chance of Hitting Mainstream
below 50% since it takes time to find and edit them, only for those who is free enough to do so.

a case for my obsession of beautiful imagery and framing:
+ Highlights +
Covering a wide range of pop culture that would cater to a wide range of demography, being current as well as going back in time ... giving them opportunity to have images of their favourite properties in their disposal.
? Main contention ?
A never ending endeavour as new pop culture properties keep coming out one after another, trying in futile to keep up with all of them ... having to guess what people would gravitate to is a constant exercise in and of itself.
- Lowlights -
It is very time-consuming to search for the images with correct resolution and high in quality and edit them to be compatible for wide use, needing a huge space to store the images that are huge in size to coincide with their quality and resolution. 
{ underlying themes }
I guess it appeals to my artistic side then, making me see the beauty in everything, making me search for them.
Oh, I want to list some of my favourite places to go for wallpapers and here is the first batch:

+ wide selection of genres with great resolution options. ? they have a wave of upload as the site would only be updated only once or twice weekly although they add dozens in one go, which is nice, definitely! - you can see the trends of what they choose to upload when you have been visiting it for awhile ... there won't be much variation from the usual trends.

+ such an artistic eyes in framing the in-game properties and the picture capturing software to the best of her abilities, colouring each game in a new wonderful cinematic light that I can certainly admire! ? she could only do so much, covering a few properties at a time. - hm ... is there any? I love her every work and have no qualms about any of it ... if I have to be nitpicky, since she painstakingly chose her composition carefully, she would only have that particular wallpaper in that certain resolution. If don't have the same one, you have to cut them yourself.

+ an accidental find that provides me direct contact to the highest quality images of the pop culture that are mostly current but a healthy throwback selection as well! ? since we depend on the users who visit the thread to upload their findings, you have to wait and just see how random these images could be. - well, you have to search for yourself throughout the pages for anything specific if you couldn't use the search function there.
Aside from letting you know the sites, this serves as a reminder for me for the sites that I unintentionally overlook in the past! I'll follow up this list with another batch in the near future ... to educate you and remind myself!
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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