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the miracle of birth in the smallest of form

topic of the day 037 & video of the day 034
 microscopic squid embryos coming to life

What? Who? How?
With the help of modern technology in the shape of microsope, we could see the beauty of teeny tiny cephalopods in their early stages of life, seeing how they come to be from the smallest of scale of mere cells then beginning to take shape into something more.
I can't really do the video justice with my mere words since the images speak volumes by itself but it is magnificent to see very clearly what transpires in the wild in their own birthing process.
Then? So?
Highlighting a part of an animal's life just shows how diverse our ecosystem is that each organism have their own distinct circle of life. Compared to our own, theirs certainly look much more interesting and it being squids with that chromatophores-filled skin certainly helps.

Lesson Learned:
Technology is so advanced now that allow us to be closer to animals than ever before, no more limited by our own senses and abilities.

source: nerdist

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