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Net truthality!

topic of the day 040
Real Net Neutrality Risk:
Innovation, Capitalism & Surveillance
What? Who?
Looking over the Net Neutrality meme, the oversimplification of such threat could be a real detriment to people's understanding of the concept and how it would affect the use of internet in the future if it finally being rolled back. This decision has been massively being fought from all fronts because it would only benefit the big corporations that will control basically how the internet is used in the USA.

How? Why?
When the threat is not clear and not immediate, we would only take internet for granted and use it without any restriction at all but now with the government body going against the citizen's wishes by trying to cancel out the Net Neutrality, it is now or never for all of them to band up and fight together to keep the freedom alive. It is all about money in the end and they would try to capitalize on it as much as they can since internet hasn't been categorized by the government as another commodity just like water and electricity.

As the leader on many aspects of worldwide technological advancements, how they deal with issues such as this would be the precedent that the rest of the world would use as examples for the governments to follow suit, creating a world with limited internet.

Misconceptions on net neutrality and the impending threats it is going to face much more sooner rather than later should not be overlooked as not to propagate false understanding of a real danger towards our unrestricted way of life. How much we can do to combat it further remains in the hands of the Americans which we hope would only go that far.

Lesson Learned:
When Net Neutrality is no more, our access to internet would be restricted by limiting how much we can invent online, increasing how much we have to pay to access certain parts and not having an online privacy anymore. Well, that's the gist of it anyway.
source: imgur, NicBramble

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