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~ This is Risk, the show where people told true stories they never thought they dared to share. ~

Podcast of the Day 008
[October 06th, 2009-...]

This is the perfect definition of a perfectly named podcast, a compilation of risky stories around a central theme ranging from all walks of life and limitless life experience. When I mentioned "risky", I really meant it. These deeply personal stories are not being recorded purely for the entertainment values that it could generate but rather help the storytellers to come to term, embrace and accept a certain part of their life and confront them without looking away, coming out at the other end all the better for it. Whether it was traumatic, life-changing, criminal or even bizarrely hilarious, the warmhearted, goofy host Kevin Allison let the listeners know that he uses this platform as a safe haven for all types of people to safely tell their stories themselves and be accepted as they are. One of the few occasions whereby the title of the episode matters for the podcast, each episode will have one singular theme that all the stories being told are connected to and whether you will laugh along, ponder together or cry in unison (mostly for me), it would a unique listening experience, one of a kind life-affirming journey of mind.

Podcast's Dominant Traits =
Heartfelt and genuine retelling of life experience by people from all walks of life.
Chance of Mainstream Success =
80% since it caters to the widest of adult demography although the adult and mature themes might deter those of pure or simple-minded.

a case for the deeply personal and vulnerable story times:
+ Highlights +
Uniformed storytelling format with wide-ranging life experience from all walks of life, genuinely retold by the individuals themselves!
Oh, the interstitial music is wonderfully fitting and beautiful especially when paired together with similar 
? Main contention ?
The helps given by these professional speakers to those who were unable to retell their life stories cohesively is vital in crafting the final products as well as helping these real life individuals in processing their significant ordeals, benefiting both parties..
- Lowlights -
It is unfiltered for better or for worse, with the host being the perfect gauge of what you can muster and expect from the podcast. Everyone have their own colour which I wholeheartedly accept. I hope you do too.
Since RISK provide such a unique platform and service to the community, it is unfortunate to hear them struggling to be financed and keep the shows going ... fortunately though, they are in a better position now which I hope they would stay that way.
{ Underlying themes and/or on the surface }
the theme of acceptance and free speech provide a refreshing inviting platform, especially in today's politically volatile environment. What a nice change of pace for once!
♫ listening style ♪♬
I want to give the podcast its due diligence since they come out of the shadows to tell this deeply vulnerable stories (which they do not have to but chose to do so), listening intently to every story and respond accordingly whether to laugh, reflect or cry together. It's a wholesome fulfilling experience.
[Release Schedule - weekly, Genre - comedy, commentary, drama, mankind and sometimes even worldwide]
- x -

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