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"It's been a great year ... coming to a close ... all I can say is ... heheh."

Song of the Day 005
Reggie Watts on Russell Howard's Good News
Reggie Watts {vocal & music}
[tv show feature]

Artist Attractive Traits =
Wonderful vocals and tremendous range with extraordinary musical sense and addictive beats!

I can't remember how I was led to this particular video but I am again forever grateful for the YouTube algorithms for leading me here as it introduced me to the enigma that is Reggie Watts. He is a wonderful blend of an alternative stand up comedian and a musical prodigy and it is showcased in every second he is on the mic and on that handy dandy mechanism called reverb box. For this particular post, I want to highlight the artist rather than the song since he isn't mainly known for his contemporary songs (which he had some actually!) and this 'set' is the perfect introduction to him as he slowly walk the audience through his setup and that vital contraption that he used expertly as a beautiful instrument in his deft hands. By creating always on point beats and thumping techno melodies as an addictive accompaniment to mostly nonsense gibberish, it does not matter what he is saying (although when he did utter comprehensible lyrics, they are never not funny and at times even presenting questions that are mind opening and transcending!) as much as how he sing each song with his extraordinary range with a cadence to die for from the tiniest of little girl notes to the biggest of the sopranos (to me at least!)! The biggest plus of his approach in performing on stage is that every song that he created on the spot (as far as I know, he improvise the beats and he might have been preparing the lyrics beforehand since they flowed so well throughout every performance!) which provide a fresh experience for the fortunate souls in attendance every time he is performing! I'm happy for him getting a much more stable job now on the James Corden show that gives him the biggest platform to flaunt his talents that cannot be denied, but I hope we'll get a new set (or song) by him when feels like it. Wouldn't you agree?

Chance of Mainstream Success =
100% since he's currently in the nation's eyes weekly, maybe not as a full fledged recording artist but more of a performer.


I'm not writing the down, just listen and enjoy it in its entirety!

Songwriter: Reggie Watts, duh!


a case for the enigma that is Reggie Watts:
+ Highlights +
The voice, the standup, the music ... but most of all, it is authentic and one-of-a-kind. Reggie Watts, ladies and gentleman.
? Main contention ?
Understanding the mechanic of the repetitive audio device is one thing and using it to the best of its abilities is another.
- Lowlights -
I can't think of anything! Maybe his approach to music would not appeal to everyone ...? 
{ On the surface and/or underlying themes }
I don't think there is any, but if I understand him as a performer, he only wants to entertain people in his own certain ways.
Entertain, he did, with aplomb, and then some!
P.S. I keep this particular song/performance on my phone and it has been keeping me entertained as an audio but seeing him perform in the video refresh my perspective of how much he moves in front of the audiences, providing a full audiovisual experience!
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