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"It's time for the Jedi to end."

Star Wars: the Last Jedi
Mini Review
[13rd of December, 2017]
[PG-13, 2hr 32min, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Space Epic, Star Wars]

Star Wars: the Force Awakens is a wonderful and successful reentry into the universe and reintroduction to a whole new audiences while catering to the already established fan base which while being criticized for repeating the same formula of A New Hope, it is also celebrated for taking chances in other departments and excel in doing so. The studio's inclination to give Ryan Johnson his own new trilogy speak volume of how much they love how Episode VIII turned out to be but as reviews started to come in throughout the internet, it is clear that even though it is far from perfect, he took major risks in the direction of the movie and whether or not his decisions would resonate with the masses, it would take the franchise into a whole new direction and I for once can't imagine where it would go!

Hard pressed to not spoil the film itself, it is safe to say it is a darker film than its predecessor in line with Empire Strikes Back but with a lot of surprising humor that is not telegraphed at all in the trailers. You should know going in that the main storyline is around Rey and Ren's journey within the Force with Luke Skywalker being at the heart of the conflict with Snoke closely watching, resulting in a much more emotional and in turns darker journey for the viewers to go on with. For better or for worse, the director decided to provide much needed levity in the sporadic humors to balance the darkness permeating from the trio with varying degree of success. Compared to the ever-changing tone with fast-paced and engaging pace (to me anyway ... the hours just breezed away!), the most contentious decisions that would be discussed and argued for months to come (or even years until IX comes out) are how he approached the characters established by J.J. Abrams and especially the remaining original cast, how he used them to the benefit (or detriment) of the storytelling that would be an entirely fresh new setup for the last film in the new trilogy to go on. I can't wait for more ...

 Get ready to be emotional, laughing and ultimately gasped!

wiki - IMDb

P.S. If you are a fan of Star Wars, there would be a lot of iconic scenes from space battles, Jedi training and then subsequent fight sequences and eye-catching locales ... even if you're not, the visual spectacles and fights alone are worth the price of admission.
P.P.S. Oh, there's that one scene at the end of the second act that elicit gasps of wonder and amazement from the audiences in the cinema. Suffice to say that the slow but tense chase scene ended with aplomb!

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