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Why don't you fight someone your own size?!

POPs of the day 013 a Large Individual, a Mecha and Mechanical Aliens

Trying to convey the sense of scale and size of larger than life individuals or just humanoid robots or aliens for that matter is hard when you have quite the diminutive Funko POP. Thankfully as mentioned previously, the company have the 6 inch version to differentiate with the usual normal sculpts and what follows are examples of the good, the hopeful and the ugly:

+ Best + Overwatch's Reinhardt +
How diverse the cast of Overwatch haven't even been properly acknowledged by Blizzard but it never really matters in the end when they could create such unique and colourful characters such as Reinhardt here. With all the bulky armours and the size of that hammer, I can surmise from the image alone if I'm not familiar with it (which I am. Junkrat and Soldier 67!) that his size effectively came across.

? My wish list ? マジンガーZ's Mazinger Z ?
In line with my previous highlight of Voltron, this is another perfect candidate for a proper adaptation, straight to the 6 inch version.
- Worst? - Transformer's Optimus Prime & Bumblebee -
It is unfortunate how much have changed for the worse under the direction of Michael Bay that the original beloved animated series was a far cry of what the 'live action' adaptation could've been ...
If it's made just like the Titans of Titanfall below, they would look perfect!
Thank you for your time and please do come back for more. Assalamualaikum and good bye! :-)

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