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What time it is?

topic of the day 035 & video of the day 031
Why It Is What Time It Is

What? How?
Only the position of the sun and changing seasons were used to tell time before the age of civilization when Egyptians started to split the day into twenty four parts, twelve for day and twelve for night (or maybe stole from the Babylonians) ... or maybe Greek astronomers? It's never clear cut, it just is.
Who? Why?
Having a functioning society means having a a list of tasks to be done every day and having a fixed time system that everyone adhere to would keep it systematic and civilized. European astronomers then improve upon water based clocks by using only gears and gadgets sans liquid because they need extremely accurate time measurements to do experiments.
Then? So?
This in turns become the mainstream way of telling time as the society follow it to a tee with the businesses and factories began to have proper schedules since time is money. As every business around the globe started to depend on it, the leaders of the world gathered and decide the one 'true' time is the Greenwich time.

Lesson Learned:
Do not take time for granted as it took three thousand years to finally come to this. Look at the timepiece close to you and be thankful for this advancement in our technology.

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