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"It's a magical place."

Podcast of the Day 004

[May 21st, 2013-]

Being flabbergasted by how people just overlook the show of Agents of SHIELD after the admittedly inconsistent first couple of seasons even though they'd found their footings with the Inhumans angle and last season being the best yet with Ghost Rider, LMD and Agents of HYDRA arcs. They're even going to space next! I'm just glad to find people who share the same sentiment and appreciation of the superhero genre and Marvel Cinematic Universe specifically with the same gusto and passion as I do! I hope you do too.

Podcast Dominant Traits =
An in-depth educated and insightful discussion and analysis of the storyline and canon of Agents of SHIELD and Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Chance of Mainstream Success =
Around 75% because of the (comparatively) niche demography of MCU movies and television shows fans among the seemingly limitless variety of podcasts available out there.

a case for the agents working their hardest:
+ Highlights +
Structured conversation with segments full of insightful information and educated guesses and conclusions of the characters on the show as well as the inner working of the Marvel's Cinematic Universe and where it entails.
? Main contention ?
This in depth looks of a such underappreciated and overlooked show in Agents of SHIELD and other more recognized Marvel shows in Netflix for example and other MCU full features would certainly help those new to the Universe to understand and comprehend it better and those who is familiar with Marvel's properties be better acquainted with all the players in play and be more observing and critical of the final products ...
- Lowlights -
... but too bad that they didn't find the amount of audiences they certainly deserve. Hopefully in due time!
{ Underlying themes and/or on the surface }
Love  their particular attempt to tie into the Universe or more specifically the Agents of SHIELD show, making the podcast feel like a pseudo radio play between the segments.
 listening style ♪♬
With all the amount of insights and deep dive of the storyline and characters presented in each subject of the podcast every time by the hosts, I would give it my most undivided attention to fully absorb them and truly appreciate them. I recommend you to do the same!

[Genre - comedy, entertainment, review, talk]

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