"I didn't know the baby's powers so I covered the basics."
Teaser Review 004 & Movie Preview 004
Incredibles 2
around 80% for being an exactly a tease with the reveal of the logo and Jack-Jack!
Chance of Success =
almost 100% with its legacy still holding up 13 years later and an excellent superhero family film would have tremendous success in current industry's climate.
almost 100% with its legacy still holding up 13 years later and an excellent superhero family film would have tremendous success in current industry's climate.
a case for the short but sweet introductory tease:
+ Highlights +
the 'tangibilization' of Pixar's most look forward sequel that's definitely overdue for some time now as the first ended perfectly for a followup, instead of that other obvious cash grabs ...
Having the original director Brad Bird coming back to brought out the magic once again since it's still the prime example of a perfect superhero family, being the Fantastic Four film we would never get.
Wonderful antics aplenty as the possible scenarios revolving around Jack-Jack's abilities are endless with Mr. Incredible at home taking care of him and giving a new perspective of a stay at home dad, as the mother getting the spotlight second go around while the baby being the other side story.
As thirteen years have passed since its theatrical release, the allure of using the advancement of the technology to change the particular look and style wasn't thankfully met but instead remain virtually the same with obviously sharper, brighter visuals and more detailed character models.
? Main contention ?
This fits the definition of a tease to a tee as it reveals almost nothing of the storyline other than the dad taking care of the baby. Who's the main villain and what would Violet and Dash do here?
- Lowlights -
It is true that they would start right after the event of the 2004 film but it is unfortunate that the more interesting scenario of aging them up is being overlooked over a more straightforward sequel although the possibility of it being save for future installment is high especially after Cars trilogy and the potential of this franchise getting widely celebrated and highly lucrative as the bottom line.
a case for the on the ground of the convention report:
+ Highlights +
After grueling thirteen years of waiting for the followup while Pixar is also caught in the sequel trapping with Cars 2, an official reveal finally acknowledge it as the studio listened to the cries of the fans and with the same team back again (except for Spencer Fox, the voice of Dash ... you can't fight puberty), the finished product should be excellent considering the talent and their track records.
Oh, there would be an IMAX release!
After focusing on Mr. Incredible's career and conflict that's affecting the family as well as the main villain of the first iteration, the focus would be diverted to Elastigirl as he take a backseat to cater to Jack-Jack and his soon-to-be revealed powers (with the footage from the Expo teasing just that ... and oh, a feisty raccoon! I wonder whey get that idea ...) while she would be leading the family members to fight other foes (after the Underminer that they encountered at the end of the first film since the sequel would pick up right after they put out their masks).
With most of the original cast returning, how would they play in the current climate of superhero movies since it has been progressing far beyond of what they could have imagined during 2004? With the usual entertaining antic between the family members to fill the time between the main storyline but it would focus possibly on the background history of the mother, although it's still up in the air at the moment. The interactions between the father and the tricky baby would be a new dynamic full of possibility (considering the latter's changing ability and that aforementioned raccoon would also come into play) while the usually mischievous Dash would need to behave and Violet is experiencing her first date of her life. The action burden would fall into the capable hands of Elastigirl and since Edna Mode's role is being expanded, how could she play into the plot?
- Lowlights -
Regarding the timeline they're going with, it is understandable to think that they miss the mark not to jump a few years into the future and see them age and change over time but that is the usual convention for sequel of this nature ... I applaud them for going with the proven formula while adding to it by fleshing out the characters after the wonderful progression together in the original.
- X-Post from an earlier post -
- Synopsis -
Everyone’s favorite family of superheroes is back in “Incredibles 2” – but this time Helen (voice of Holly Hunter) is in the spotlight, leaving Bob (voice of Craig T. Nelson) at home with Violet (voice of Sarah Vowell) and Dash (voice of Huck Milner) to navigate the day-to-day heroics of “normal” life. It’s a tough transistion for everyone, made tougher by the fact that the family is still unaware of baby Jack-Jack’s emerging superpowers. When a new villain hatches a brilliant and dangerous plot, the family and Frozone (voice of Samuel L. Jackson) must find a way to work together again—which is easier said than done, even when they’re all Incredible.

Holly Hunter as Helen Parr / Elastigirl, Craig T. Nelson as Bob Parr / Mr. Incredible, Sarah Vowell as Violet Parr, Huck Milner as Dashiell Robert Parr / Dash, Samuel L. Jackson as Lucius Best / Frozone, Brad Bird as Edna Mode, John Ratzenberger as The Underminer ...

- IMDb - wiki -
source: Collider
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