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Colour Me Impressed!

POPs of the day 010 Batman {Comic-Con 2017}, Wendy's Wendy & Batman's 75th Anniversary Colour Variant

There are a lot of business model used by Funko to sustain their business and although they have a long way, this particular approach can be viewed from exceptional to downright milking the cow:

+ Best + DC Super Heroes' Batman {Comic-Con 2017 Limited Edition} +
Comic Con is a special gathering for comic book fans then and all pop culture now with the most amount of properties and attendees in a single place which would be worth the journey they have taken and money they have spent. Having this limited edition to commemorate the occasion is just fitting (even though it might not only be available for the fans on location) and the shiny blue chrome paint is the highlight of the sculpt. It might just have been a recolour of the earlier version below, but the final product justified the rerelease of the same sculpt. On the other hand ...
? My wish list ? Wendy's Wendy ?
This is my custom with the most colour that I think would come out well in the final product if they so choose to do so which is not at all farfetched as they have adapted a few franchises over the years such as this:

- Worst? - Batman's 75th Anniversary Color Variant -
... there is not much to be seen here other than a cash grab of an anniversary of a popular character in the pop culture. Granted it was an Entertainment Earth Exclusive and the colour variant only add to the value, these specific colours haven't been one of the mainstay in the Dark Knight's wardrobe and this is them being unimaginative and lazy, leaning on previously used design and sculpt instead adapting some of the obscure iterations that Batman has went through over the years. That might have been a better decision, highlighting many other versions that most people do not know especially in celebration of the icon rather than resting on their laurels. It might have been a strictly business decision but it is such a shame the direction they took to commemorate his 75th year.
Thank you for your time and please do come back for more. Assalamualaikum and good bye! :-)

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