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for your sleepless night

out - humour - still
Tips, see Thursday 008 & misc list 043
Are you a night owl? I am now apparently, after having my body clock all messed up now so here's what I do to pass the time. Some might apply to you and some might not, but I hope you find this segment worthy of your time at least:
#022: playing with your temperature
I'm not sure about you but I always take the time at night to sweat to change my body temperature. You should know that inducing sweat is good for your body no matter what as it helps you to force out excess liquid and germs in your skin and body, helping out your kidney already hard at work. Most of the time I never actually do late night workout but rather just with a hot drink and the room fan turn off, making my body comfortably cold by the winds of the fan before now sweat because of the consummation of the hot liquids. Then your now wet body would be cooled off with the fan once again, and I got a sense of silly achievement from that! Silly me.

#023: laughing all the way to the bed
If you're familiar with my sense of online entertainment, you know that I am quite fond of the medium of podcast as well as Youtube videos of people talking on topics that I can relate to. This is what I find help me in filling in the time with auditory entertainment, as I consciously save some podcasts and videos for the night that would have much more entertainment values and would require less focus and constant thinking. It's always nice to be constantly entertained and laughing all the way to your bed, finally closing your eyes to sleep with a smile on your face. :-)

#024: the beauty in the still
Whether you have already notice it or not, it is really apparent that at night when everyone and everything around you turn off or at least dormant compared to the day, it is really quiet as the sound you make would bounce off or echo more in the colder air at night. It is something to enjoy as others are forced to rest and recharge, the stillness of the air with the condensation of water from the plants around your help in adding to the soothing atmosphere ... if only you would take the time to take a rest from all the electronics and go out of your house and drink it in. Then you should look up, enjoy the darkness of the night and if you're lucky, being greeted back by the shining stars that are million miles away from you! Oh, the wonders of the universe ...
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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