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for your scenting clothes

in the vicinity - proximity - clarity
Tips, see Thursday 010 & misc list 054
From my previous post, I've promised to highlight some of my tips for keeping the scent of your clothes or fabric. I'm not sure whether you can relate or not, but well, you'll find out by end of this post:
#028: just near enough
Let's start from the moment you do your laundry and you get them out of the dryer. Where do you actually hang the wet clothes usually? Is it in the open or under a shade? If you are like me and want to retain that detergent smell on as long as possible, do not let them be exposed directly to the sunlight for too long after they are quite dry since I learned from experience that you would lose that particular scent at the end of the day. The ideal place for me is just in the shade with the radiating heat of the rays just close enough to effectively dry the wet laundry. I do believe that your clothes would not lost its colours and softness as fast if you keep them away from the sun!

#029: put them here
After you take them off the clothesline, where do you put your now dry clothes? Of course where you put them matter in regards to the scents they retain. Whether in closed or open storage, ventilation matters as to avoid the dreaded musty musk. That's it, it's that simple: be aware of the storage for your wardrobe. Oh, don't bring it inside your car or just on transit if you do not want it to definitely be altered by the strong air conditioner or exposure to the external factors of car fumes of just high temperature. Lesson learned ...

#030: touching us ...
When you put them together in close proximity, where the fabrics touch each other really matter. Having learned again from experience unfortunately, I always came back to my scarf after leaving it in one location for quite some time and found out it lost that newly washed scent or a just certain scent that it turned to. After looking for explanation, I now know that it was caused by the surface it was coming into contact with, or just pure exposure to the fan in a room temperature room. It goes both ways as well, as you can just transfer the scent from one fabric to another by just bundling them up together for a certain amount of time. Try it out!
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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