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buzzing for bird of extraterrestrial origin

Black Mirror Lady Bird - Supergirl s03e20
pop culture dailies weekly 019
Man, I really do need to be watching shows and movie more regularly again. Here's my solitary entry of the week:

Black Mirror s03e06
The series has always been a heightened commentary of today's culture of dependence on technology and whether or not the transition across the pond has been as successful as it could have been, their attempts have been from personal to downright massive in scale and this one in particular is a combination of both. Following the journey of the investigation from start to finish, from an unexplained death to the tragic aftermath, I am transfixed to see how the online backlash would tie into the usage of robot bees, with the dire need to replace the extinct bees being misused for a distorted higher purpose. The over an hour runtime ensures a slow unraveling and build up of tension that is actually effective in my humble opinion. With the fourth season already out, I can't wait to dive in again! 

Lady Bird
I finally finished watching the film after finally finding the time to do so and I can say that I see the value behind the directorial 'debut' of Greta Gerwig, seeing how well Saoirse Ronan plays the titular role as a whole of an ungrateful high school girl that wants to get out of his little town and go to the city to live her dream. The screenplay is being wonderfully brought to life by Greta as everything feels authentic and natural, between her relationship with her friends as well as her family, with all the awkwardness and heartbreaks and the happy middle ground they came to in the end! If you can't relate to how teenagers would feel during their rebellious stages, you can definitely relate to the familial values being focused on, how she interacts with her mother is both heartwarming and heartbreaking, harshly true to life to most of us.


Supergirl s03e20 [CW]
Having a small of piece of Krypton survived the initial planetary explosion was a new concept to me which came to me as a surprise when Kara and Mon-El traveled there to meet the surviving former Kryptonians and of course, her own mother. I'm pretty sure this will come in handy to create further storyline for the fourth season but for now, I love how they use this earned downtime to try to tie up that loose end between the two superheroes.  We see how much the latter have evolved from his initial prince persona, mostly caused by being around the former, with her living up to her family symbol as the symbol of hope. Having the mastermind behind the Worldkillers still alive and appeared to be playing along to Kara's effort to save the day, you know that there's more than meets the eye, with that stone probably being the downfall for Earth. Seeing Ruby playing nice with Winn is a nice bonding moment between the two children who have their parents trying to kill them while we see Alex going full superhero on her own, certainly being affected by her adopted sister as well as her undying wish to be a parent herself. The third season is coming to a close and as the series keeps going from strength to strength, I want to see them ending on a high. Wouldn't you agree?

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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