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crunchy goodness!

Foodie Friday 012
[ Jack 'n Jill ]
Availability: nationwide
"It's been awhile ..." so let's stop all the small talk and get to it right away!
After covering a fruit that's close to my religion, I am now covering a snack that's close to my life since my youth. As many snacks I covered before, most of them do not undergo major changes to their core products and outer packaging over the years and for good reasons actually. If it's not broken, don't fix it! This product in particular has been my go-to constant munching companion when I need something to eat on the go, especially when I'm on my bike and need to have my stomach occupied as I couldn't have a proper meal before departing. The round shape and solid build certainly help in having it handy in the basket of my bike, easy to grasp and pluck out of the packaging by my left hand and right into my mouth. With that being said, it is a great filling snack to have around whenever you want to eat something light in a prolonged duration since they do not have lingering artificial aftertaste.
For so long, they only had one primary product which is chocolate-coated peanuts with colourful coatings of primary colours but I noticed that at the turn of this year if I'm not mistaken that they introduce two new additions to its roster which are one with raisins and one sans the peanuts akin to Smarties (do you remember?). Not only that, they followed up this major steps with a refreshed packagings for all three products and even introduced smaller alternatives that would be beneficial for those who want to have them in smaller doses. It's a risk to venture out but it's a risk well taken that I can guarantee would pay off well in the long run for them. 
The always crunchy peanuts are always satisfying to bite into every time and the chocolate coatings are great fillings that would coat the inside of your mouth well while the raisins alternative is a healthier variation (I know it's not for all, but it never hurts to try something new, right?) and the all-chocolate saucer variation is for the sweet tooth in all of us. All in all, I will continue to revert to Nips as my go-to snack on the go! May I know what is yours?
Scratch that, there were actually four! That cookies and creme variation is the heaviest out of the four, so do eat them appropriately!
a case for the filling peanuty-muncher:
+ Positives +
filling chocolaty peanut snacks. perfect for consumption on the go!
? Main contention ?
- Negatives -
as other snacks, too much would not be good for you.
! Warning !
if you have a peanut allergy, please choose the all-chocolate alternative only.
j preferred way of eating f
grabbing a handful of them and eat them all in one go as my mouth is full with them and I would munch them down one by one or two at a time.
* sense of touch & taste *
crunchiness of the peanuts, richness of the chocolates and the appealing visuals of the rainbow.
Quite perfect!
If you're not sure whether you are allergic to the ingredients or not, then please take proper precautions before consuming them. Avoid them at all cost for safety purposes!
Over RM2 for a regular version while RM1 for the smaller one. The price rose compared to what they used to be. 
? Value ?
+ durability @ long storage + tasty + crunchy + colourful - samey flavour profile = 70%

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