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Custom POP throwback 005 #047 to #054
I lost a step last week. Going to keep it up!
#047 Happy (Happy) Such a unique premise for a comic series that translate surprisingly well into a live action show. Happy represents a kid's imagination running wild that actually represents something really dark. Its design actually looks great as a POP here, and if Funko actually adapt this mascot, it will be loved right away.
#048 Mija (Okja) One of my favourite films a couple of years ago and considering how I love Bong Joon-Ho's past films as well, this is not surprising at all. The characters have a lot of colourful wardrobes and characteristics to match and Mija is such an energetic ball of passion just makes me want to adapt her first. I should adapt others as well ...
#049 Kim Possible (Kim Possible) As I've mentioned before, the show has such a distinct style that I worry that it won't translate well but it turns out well here. Adding a little motion to her pose really helps here to indicate her spy background although the orange could've been much cleaner here. I should adapt others as well! 
#050 Bomberman (Super Bomberman R) This is something that I was a bit sad of the outcome just because of how it turns out ... I wanted to represent properly a game series that I actually enjoy throughout my childhood. I need to give it a go again ...
#051 Bigby Wolf [mid-change] (the Wolf Among Us) This type of comic book visuals are really a treat to my eyes if done well and this is just a perfect example of it, and having such an interesting lead to adapt is just icing on the cake. This is another one of my proudest works yet since it turns out better than I expected. Again, just makes me want to adapt the others as well, like Snow White ...
#052 self (Gong Xi Fa Chai) I just want to represent the Chinese New Year while giving myself the dog emoji to represent the year of the Dog. It turns out well surprisingly and I can't for next year ... what year is it then? 
#053 Koromon (Digimon) Here we go for the series for Digimon to be adapted, starting with the cute Koromon. 
#054 Flo (Diner Dash) The game that starts my addiction on diner dash-type game, paying tribute to the protagonist is just only right for me. The skin colour turns out well for once and she looks good here. 
I totally forgot another reason I did this is to take a tally on what I had covered before ... so here we go!

Movies and Male leading yet again but there are some improvement of other categories.
Thank you for your time and please do come back for more. Assalamualaikum and good bye! :-)

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