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as I am pondering the weather ...

pour - sit and endure - trauma
pet peeves Monday 029 & misc list 116
Hm ... since the local weather is a bit hectic lately, I think it is appropriate for me to touch upon how it affects me in its own ways. Let's see ...:
#073: come pouring in
Malaysia has a tropical climate and with it comes the wonderful season of hot and wet, between scorching sun and pouring rain. While they are simpler to face compared to the four, they have their own complications. Rain is the 'rahmat' coming down to refresh the earth and in turns the world but during it though, I cannot do anything outside at all. Even though I rarely do go outside other than just to jog or go to pekan once in a while, it is unfortunate when I already do have something planned. You just have to wait it out ...

#074: obstacles to overcome
I have no grudge against the weather at all but they can come in the way especially when I am on the go from one place to another. The glare from the sun especially early in the morning or the late afternoon can be quite distracting when I do not have a sunglasses handy ... but the most egregious one is when I drive my bike from a sunny place into a place with dark clouds that are almost always will rain upon me when I am still on the road. I learn from experience to just ride it out since having to wait for them to pass will take half an hour and maybe even more, which is why I sometimes will watch films in basically wet clothes. Granted some parts are dried by the passing wind, but there are still moisture all over me. I do not have a dependable raincoat to wear hence why I haven't gone to the movies in months already now.

#075: back with a vengeance
This is mostly based on luck for me but I have a guilty pleasure that I will try to fill in from time to time and it depends on the weather of the day. When I can, I will try to look up in the sky before I lock the front gates and more often than most I will not get the clear sky with shining stars that I wish to see. Granted that the light pollution will hinder the edges of the sky for me, it is always the clouds that will hinder the optic that I want to see and even when it is clear, it just depends on how lucky I am that night. Tonight is raining, so no dice today. 
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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