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as I am in the house ...

cut - clean - wait
pet peeves Monday 031 & misc list 140
Had a trouble with plumbing just now ... so let's try to list down three of my household here :
#073: necessary waste cleaning
I didn't know before how the local plumbing sytem worked in my taman that I had to learn the hard way when I had to help my father cleaning it up myself. Between the sink and its accumulation of food wastes to the human waste management, I had been forced to deal with them directly a number of times already and although I know it's necessary, it doesn't mean I have to enjoy it.

#074: water plumbing
When some of the water plumbling started to go haywire as well, having to depend on father to come home to deal with them since I do not have the expertise to deal with them and he won't allow my mother to call in a contractor at all, any of the drawbacks we just have to suffer through until it is dealt with.

#075: cut short momentarily
Shortage come and go here from the electricity to the water as well. With the latter, there's a big water tank my father bought that we can save extra liquid before it is cut for maintenance but there is no way to save on the former. That's life and you just have to live through it moment by moment.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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